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  • Презентация к уроку геометрии по теме Многогранники на английском языке

Презентация к уроку геометрии по теме Многогранники на английском языке

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Polyhedra Mikhаilichenko Yelena-Maths teacher Tsoy Svetlana- English teacher
Polyhedra Mikhаilichenko Yelena-Maths teacher Tsoy Svetlana- English teacher
Polyhedron is a geometric body which consists of a finite number of intersect...
Polyhedron is a geometric body which consists of a finite number of intersecting planes
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Prism is a polyhedron consisting of two parallel polygons, basing on finite n...
Prism is a polyhedron consisting of two parallel polygons, basing on finite numbers of rectangles which form a side surface. V=SH
Pyramid is a geometric body which consists of some triangles with common vert...
Pyramid is a geometric body which consists of some triangles with common vertex and the base. V=1/3 SH
Cube is a prism with equal faces. V= a³ ,where a is an edge.
Cube is a prism with equal faces. V= a³ ,where a is an edge.
Regular Polyhedra
Regular Polyhedra
Non of the geometric body does not possess such beauty as regular polyhedra....
Non of the geometric body does not possess such beauty as regular polyhedra. There are 5 types of polyhedra: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodehedron and icosahedron.
The Euler characteristic The number offaces F The number of vertices V The nu...
The Euler characteristic The number offaces F The number of vertices V The number of edgesE Regular polyhedron F+V-E=24 4 4 6 tetrahedron 2 6 8 12 cube 2 8 6 12 octahedron 2 12 20 30 dodecahedron 2 20 12 30 icosahedron 2
Regular Polyhedra in nature
Regular Polyhedra in nature

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