It is a part of speech which modifies the noun презентация

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It is a part of speech which modifies the noun.
It is a part of speech which modifies the noun.
Qualities (large, modern, quiet). Physical and emotional states (cold, happy,...
Qualities (large, modern, quiet). Physical and emotional states (cold, happy, busy, friendly). Origin (American, Asian). Opinions (excellent, fantastic, cool). Frequency (weekly, daily, regular). Adjectives can express:
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According to the morphological composition
According to the morphological composition
All adjectives fall into two groups: Qualitative adjectives – denote properti...
All adjectives fall into two groups: Qualitative adjectives – denote properties of a substance directly (great, calm, gold, beautiful). Relative adjectives – describe properties of a substance through relation to material ( wooden), to place (European), to time ( ancient).
The degrees of comparison of adjectives: the comparative the superlative The...
The degrees of comparison of adjectives: the comparative the superlative These degrees are formed in different ways: the synthetic, analytic, suppletive.
The synthetic degrees of comparison are formed by adding the inflexion –er ,...
The synthetic degrees of comparison are formed by adding the inflexion –er , -est (fine – finer - the finest ) to the adjectives having one or two syllables.
The analytic degrees are formed by means of “more” or “most” (difficult – mor...
The analytic degrees are formed by means of “more” or “most” (difficult – more difficult – the most difficult).
The suppletive way: some other words are used to build up the forms. Good – b...
The suppletive way: some other words are used to build up the forms. Good – better – the best. Bad – worse – the worst. Little – less – the least. Many/much – more – the most.
The following adjectives have double degrees of comparison: / farther – the f...
The following adjectives have double degrees of comparison: / farther – the farthest Far - further – the furthest / older – the oldest Old – elder – the eldest ( family relations) / the nearest Near – nearer – next (time), the next (order) / later – the latest Late – the later (former) – last (time), the last (order)

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