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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку Tundra transport регионоведческоо характера

Конспект урока по английскому языку Tundra transport регионоведческоо характера

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What means of transportation in the tundra do you know?
What means of transportation in the tundra do you know?
Task 3 Match the statements with the pictures 5 4 3 2 1
Task 3 Match the statements with the pictures 5 4 3 2 1
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
What proverbs tell us about severe tundra conditions?
What proverbs tell us about severe tundra conditions?
Do a project work “Northern glossary”
Do a project work “Northern glossary”
Tundra transport Rusina Irina Leonidovna Teacher of English, School #2 Noyabr...
Tundra transport Rusina Irina Leonidovna Teacher of English, School #2 Noyabr...
The principal means of transport in tundra has always been the reindeer sledge
The principal means of transport in tundra has always been the reindeer sledge
There was no better way to get around in tundra
There was no better way to get around in tundra
Domestic reindeer has become a universal “transport” animal
Domestic reindeer has become a universal “transport” animal
Kamus - light and durable skin from deer's legs Kamus skis - wide skis, cove...
Kamus - light and durable skin from deer's legs Kamus skis - wide skis, cove...
It is impossible to live without skis in tundra. “Golitsy” skis are mainly us...
It is impossible to live without skis in tundra. “Golitsy” skis are mainly us...
In summer the Nenets travel both by reindeer harness and by boat
In summer the Nenets travel both by reindeer harness and by boat
The Nenets proverb says: Like Master, like deer-sledge.
The Nenets proverb says: Like Master, like deer-sledge.
Another Nenets proverb says: Getting old make a pair of kamus skis, a sledge,...
Another Nenets proverb says: Getting old make a pair of kamus skis, a sledge,...
Reindeer farmers use different tools for catching reindeer and to drive their...
Reindeer farmers use different tools for catching reindeer and to drive their...
A “khorey” is a long birch pole with a bone tip attached to protect the reind...
A “khorey” is a long birch pole with a bone tip attached to protect the reind...
The main tool of a reindeer farmer has always been “tynzyan” (or “tynyan”) –a...
The main tool of a reindeer farmer has always been “tynzyan” (or “tynyan”) –a...
There is a traditional Khanty and Nenets’ competition on Reindeer breeder’s D...
There is a traditional Khanty and Nenets’ competition on Reindeer breeder’s D...
Nowadays Nenets are quite civilized people still keeping their folk tradition...
Nowadays Nenets are quite civilized people still keeping their folk tradition...
http://wap.dvinainform.ru/economy/2013/03/13/13036.html http://misteriya.com/...
http://wap.dvinainform.ru/economy/2013/03/13/13036.html http://misteriya.com/...

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