Презентация по теме SCHOOL
Автор публикации: Хмырова И.А.
Дата публикации: 04.04.2016
Краткое описание:
People in a school Classmate Tutor College student Deputy headmaster (AmE assistant principal) Examiner Headmaster (headmistress) Lecturer Pupil Schoolboy/schoolgirl Schoolmate Student Teacher Teaching staff
c... classmate c… s… college student h…. headmaster t… s… teaching staff t… tutor d… h… deputy headmaster e… examiner
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
School building Blackboard, chalk Board pen , rubber Canteen Classroom Computer lab (laboratory) Desk Gym Hall Headmaster’s office/staff room Library Locker Playground Sports field
c… Canteen l… Lab/laboratory g… Gym h… o… Headmaster’s office s… Staff room h… Hall s… f… Sports field p… playground
Studying at school Be at a class/lesson ( in class) Do an exercise/a task/an activity/one’s best Learn by heart Make mistakes/notes/progress/a presentation Marks Memorise Participate/take part in Solve a problem Study hard Take a break Extra lessons Folder Report Notebook School trip
My school As for me, I study at …. It has about…pupils. In my school there are many opportunities for … So, we study different subjects. My favourite is/are… We have a lot of facilities, such as: … At the lessons we… Our teachers prepare us for… But, unfortunately, there are some things which I dislike about the school: …
Don’t sleep at the lessons! Enjoy studying! This is your future!