- Презентации
- Презентация ученицы 7 н класса Оболенской Софьи на тему Школа
Презентация ученицы 7 н класса Оболенской Софьи на тему Школа
Автор публикации: Соловьева О.А.
Дата публикации: 09.10.2016
Краткое описание:
![English and Russian schools Sophia Obolenskaya]()
English and Russian schools Sophia Obolenskaya
![The school year in England and Russia begins in September.]()
The school year in England and Russia begins in September.
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![In Russia children start schooling when they are six or seven. But in England...]()
In Russia children start schooling when they are six or seven. But in England children start schooling when they are five.
![In most schools education is free. These are state schools.]()
In most schools education is free. These are state schools.
![English schools have no numbers, they have names, for example Green Park Scho...]()
English schools have no numbers, they have names, for example Green Park School. Russian schools have numbers.
![Little children who are five or six go to primary school.]()
Little children who are five or six go to primary school.
![They do a lot of things in class.]()
They do a lot of things in class.
![They learn to read, to write, to count, and to draw.]()
They learn to read, to write, to count, and to draw.
![When they are eleven or ten, primary school pupils go to secondary school.]()
When they are eleven or ten, primary school pupils go to secondary school.
![Pupils usually have five lessons five days a week.]()
Pupils usually have five lessons five days a week.
![The English and Russian school year has three or four terms.]()
The English and Russian school year has three or four terms.
![When the term is over, schoolchildren have holidays.]()
When the term is over, schoolchildren have holidays.
![Russian summer holidays are the longest.]()
Russian summer holidays are the longest.
![THE END]()