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Project My shop “ Magic Hat” Тлепсюк Аскер Ученик 4класса МБОУ СОШ №2 Гор . Л...
Project My shop “ Magic Hat” Тлепсюк Аскер Ученик 4класса МБОУ СОШ №2 Гор . Лесосибирск Учитель -Шалыгина Г.М. 2016
Welcome to “ Magic Hat” !
Welcome to “ Magic Hat” !
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Shorts Dresses Raincoats Trainers Hats Sweaters Blouses T- shirts Jeans Diffe...
Shorts Dresses Raincoats Trainers Hats Sweaters Blouses T- shirts Jeans Different umbrellas What can you find in my shop?
All kinds of clothes are colorful ! There are : blue, yellow, red, black, gre...
All kinds of clothes are colorful ! There are : blue, yellow, red, black, green and specially for girls I have a lot of pink dresses, blouses and skirts.
I have boots, trainers, shoes, sandals for all ages! They are all nice and co...
I have boots, trainers, shoes, sandals for all ages! They are all nice and comfortable ! For your feet)
If you buy a hat and a bag you will get an umbrella as a gift ))! Don’t miss...
If you buy a hat and a bag you will get an umbrella as a gift ))! Don’t miss it!!!! Sale!!!!!!!)
Sale!!!!!!!) Sale: $20.99 Regular: $27.99 Mens Orlando Magic New Era Gray/Bla...
Sale!!!!!!!) Sale: $20.99 Regular: $27.99 Mens Orlando Magic New Era Gray/Black 59FIFTY Fitted Hat New Era Orlando Magic Scripter Ban Cuff with Pom - Royal Blue/Black/White Regular: $19.99 Sale: $15.99 Orlando Magic Jersey Wristband Regular: $14.99 Sale: $10.99
ресурсы http://www.orlandomagicshop.com/Orlando_Magic_Hats https://yandex.ru/...
ресурсы http://www.orlandomagicshop.com/Orlando_Magic_Hats https://yandex.ru/images/search?img_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftdelit.ru%2Ffiles%2Fnovosti%2Fakciya_podarok_za_pokupku-dlya_socsetej_2.jpg&_=1458827561253&p=1&text=акция&clid=9403&pos=39&rpt=simage https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=одежда%20для%20девушек https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=магазин%20фото%20снаружи

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