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  • Презентация на тему ,,The influence of geographical position on the national cuisine of Russia”

Презентация на тему ,,The influence of geographical position on the national cuisine of Russia”

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The influence of geographical position on the national cuisine of Russia. Pro...
The influence of geographical position on the national cuisine of Russia. Project was prepared by Agapov Artyom 6 “C”
Мой проект Информационный Учебный Нематериальный Межпредметный Долгосрочный И...
Мой проект Информационный Учебный Нематериальный Межпредметный Долгосрочный Индивидуальный Обучающий
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Цель Изучить информацию о влиянии географического положения на русскую национ...
Цель Изучить информацию о влиянии географического положения на русскую национальную кухню.
Geographical position of Russia
Geographical position of Russia
Russian regions The Central Region The Siberian Region The Urals Region The V...
Russian regions The Central Region The Siberian Region The Urals Region The Volga Region The Far Eastern Region The North Caucasus Region The Northwestern Region The Southern Region.
Food in Central Region Cold Soups Hot Soups Pelmeni Porridge Pirogi
Food in Central Region Cold Soups Hot Soups Pelmeni Porridge Pirogi
The Siberian Region Soups Pirogi Dairy products Mushrooms
The Siberian Region Soups Pirogi Dairy products Mushrooms
North Caucasian region Shashlik Hot soups Beef
North Caucasian region Shashlik Hot soups Beef
North Region Deer Moroshka Klykva
North Region Deer Moroshka Klykva
Far Eastern Primorsky region Fish
Far Eastern Primorsky region Fish
Conclusion Nowadays, Russian people also eat European dishes. They bake cake...
Conclusion Nowadays, Russian people also eat European dishes. They bake cakes, pizzas, puddings. Many American, Chinese and Italian restaurants have appeared. But Russian cuisine will be popular all the time.
Thank you for attention!
Thank you for attention!

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