• Презентации
  • Презентация ученицы 6 а класса Назаровой Марии на тему Санкт Петербург

Презентация ученицы 6 а класса Назаровой Марии на тему Санкт Петербург

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St petersburg Grade 6 “A” Mariya Nazarova
St petersburg Grade 6 “A” Mariya Nazarova
St Petersburg is very big. It is situated not far from the Baltic sea. This c...
St Petersburg is very big. It is situated not far from the Baltic sea. This city is famous for its monuments, museums and many other places.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
The streets are wide, some are green. There are shops, supermarkets, markets,...
The streets are wide, some are green. There are shops, supermarkets, markets, malls, banks, cinemas, restaurants in this city.
There are a lot of museums and picture galleries in St Petersburg. There are...
There are a lot of museums and picture galleries in St Petersburg. There are a lot of things to see and to do in this city.
The climate in St Petersburg is often nasty. The winds blow from the sea and...
The climate in St Petersburg is often nasty. The winds blow from the sea and bring cold and rains.

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