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  • Презентация по английскому языку Spotlight 9 Module 2 Life and living

Презентация по английскому языку Spotlight 9 Module 2 Life and living

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Types of British houses
Types of British houses
The main types of English houses a caravan a cottage a block of flats a chale...
The main types of English houses a caravan a cottage a block of flats a chalet a hut a bungalow a mansion a detached house a semi-detached house a terrace(d) house a farmhouse a skyscraper
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a block of flats A flat is part of a bigger building where all the flats shar...
a block of flats A flat is part of a bigger building where all the flats share a front door.
a detached house A detached house is not joined to any other house.
a detached house A detached house is not joined to any other house.
a semi-detached house A semi detached house is a  house which is joined to an...
a semi-detached house A semi detached house is a  house which is joined to another house on one side.
a terrace(d) house Terrace house is a house which is part of a line of houses...
a terrace(d) house Terrace house is a house which is part of a line of houses. It is a  house which is joined to other houses on two sides.
a mansion A mansion is large and impressive house: the large house of a wealt...
a mansion A mansion is large and impressive house: the large house of a wealthy person.
a cottage A cottage is a small house,   usually of only one  story. It is a s...
a cottage A cottage is a small house,   usually of only one  story. It is a small, modest  house at a lake,  mountain resort,  etc., owned or rented  as a vacation home.
a caravan A caravan is a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed (бук...
a caravan A caravan is a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed (буксируемый)by a car and used for holidays.
a farmhouse A farmhouse is a house attached to a farm, esp the dwelling (жили...
a farmhouse A farmhouse is a house attached to a farm, esp the dwelling (жилище) from which the farm is managed.
A hut A hut is a small or humble dwelling of simple  construction, especially...
A hut A hut is a small or humble dwelling of simple  construction, especially one madeof natural  materials,  as of logs or grass.
a bungalow A bungalow is a ​house that usually has only one ​storey.
a bungalow A bungalow is a ​house that usually has only one ​storey.
a skyscraper A skyscraper is a very tall building with many stories.
a skyscraper A skyscraper is a very tall building with many stories.
a chalet  A chalet is a small wooden house, especially in a mountain area or...
a chalet  A chalet is a small wooden house, especially in a mountain area or a holiday camp.

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