• Презентации
  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему SHOPPING FOR FOOD (4 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему SHOPPING FOR FOOD (4 класс)

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1. dress 2. hat 3. blouse 4. mittens 5. pink Three little kittens they lost t...
1. dress 2. hat 3. blouse 4. mittens 5. pink Three little kittens they lost their _______________ 2. My T-shirt is blue and my hat is ___________. Tell me, what do you think? 3. Look at this cat! It wears a _______ . 4. Children, let’s guess what color is the _____? 5. They invited a mouse to dinner in _______ . mittens pink hat dress blouse
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Plan of the lesson Remember the food vocabulary Watch a cartoon and find out...
Plan of the lesson Remember the food vocabulary Watch a cartoon and find out the names of shops in the town Discuss the topic (work in groups) Learn the new vocabulary Home work Speaking of the lesson’s results
Grocer’s Greengrocer’s S H O P S I N T H E	 T O W N
Grocer’s Greengrocer’s S H O P S I N T H E T O W N
S H O P S I N T H E	 T O W N Butcher’s Fishmonger’s
S H O P S I N T H E T O W N Butcher’s Fishmonger’s
Sweet shop S H O P S I N T H E	 T O W N
Sweet shop S H O P S I N T H E T O W N
A bottle of water A can of Cola A glass of juice A cup of tea A box of chocol...
A bottle of water A can of Cola A glass of juice A cup of tea A box of chocolates A bar of chocolate
A loaf of bread A bag of flour A carton of cream А packet of cookies
A loaf of bread A bag of flour A carton of cream А packet of cookies
Match the words A bottle of ….. A can of ….. A cup of …. A glass of … A bag o...
Match the words A bottle of ….. A can of ….. A cup of …. A glass of … A bag of ….. A carton of …… А packet of …..
HOME WORK The main Home Task is: sb p. 258 ex. 12 Extra Home Tasks are: 1. Wr...
HOME WORK The main Home Task is: sb p. 258 ex. 12 Extra Home Tasks are: 1. Write a recepy of monster’s cake. 2. Do a crossword

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