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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Животные

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Животные

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Crazy Animals
Crazy Animals
One, one, one Six, six, six Little dogs run Two funny pigs Two, two, two Seve...
One, one, one Six, six, six Little dogs run Two funny pigs Two, two, two Seven, seven, seven Rats see you Here is a raven Three, three, three Eight, eight, eight Squirrel in the tree Hen in the plate Four, four, four Nine, nine, nine Cats on the floor Our parrot is fine Five, five, five Ten, ten, ten Birds in the sky Fly if you can!
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
First Step
First Step
Animalslive in the forest Animals live in the house
Animalslive in the forest Animals live in the house
Second Step
Second Step
Correct the mistakes 1. Crocodiles eat grass 2. Dogs eat grass 3. Mice eat ca...
Correct the mistakes 1. Crocodiles eat grass 2. Dogs eat grass 3. Mice eat cats 4. Hippo can climb the tree 5. Foxes are afraid of hares. 6. Cows like coffee
Third Step
Third Step
Find animals Dogfrogbearfoxparrotrabbitcatmonkeyelephant
Find animals Dogfrogbearfoxparrotrabbitcatmonkeyelephant
Fourth Step
Fourth Step
Guess the animal
Guess the animal
Fifth Step
Fifth Step
Guess the letter do_ _iraffe Wol_ _rog Parro_ _ortoise Squirre_ _ion Bea_ _ab...
Guess the letter do_ _iraffe Wol_ _rog Parro_ _ortoise Squirre_ _ion Bea_ _abbit Hors_ _lephant
Sixth Step
Sixth Step
Scrambled words Arbez Torrap Tnahpele Yeknom Woc Regit
Scrambled words Arbez Torrap Tnahpele Yeknom Woc Regit
Seventh Step The Word Order Game
Seventh Step The Word Order Game
The Word Order Game 1. I have got a cat. 2. Dogs guard the house. 3. The cow...
The Word Order Game 1. I have got a cat. 2. Dogs guard the house. 3. The cow gives milk. 4. The hare lives in the forest. 5. This pet is my favourite dog.
Guess? Is it a pet? Where does it live? What does it eat? What colour is it?...
Guess? Is it a pet? Where does it live? What does it eat? What colour is it? Is it large or small? How many legs does it have?

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