Презентация Добро пожаловать в Бразилию
Автор публикации: Нагорская Н.В.
Дата публикации: 25.07.2016
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![Проект по английскому языку выполнила ученица 7 ,,А” класса средней школы №23...]()
Проект по английскому языку выполнила ученица 7 ,,А” класса средней школы №23 Смирнова Полина ,,Добро пожаловать в Бразилию”
![Brazil The largest in area and population in South America and the only Por...]()
Brazil The largest in area and population in South America and the only Portuguese-speaking in America. Ranked fifth in the world by land area and by population. Brazil belongs to the Eastern and Central part of the continent. The capital city of Brasilia. Language: Portuguese, German, Italian.
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![Traditional cuisine The most typical of Brazilian dish is - feijoada. In Rio...]()
Traditional cuisine The most typical of Brazilian dish is - feijoada. In Rio de Janeiro, where it is especially popular, feijoada is made from black beans, dried meat, smoked sausage, pork, garlic, pepper and bay leaf. Usually this dish is served in a deep dish with cassava flour and, if desired, with white rice. By feijoada served as sliced oranges, cabbage and pepper sauce.
![Brazilian Carnival The annual festival in Brazil held forty days before Easte...]()
Brazilian Carnival The annual festival in Brazil held forty days before Easter and marks the beginning of Lent. During Lent Roman Catholics must abstain from all bodily pleasures, in particular - from the consumption of meat. Carnival, which is believed to be derived from the pagan Saturnalia, may be considered an act of farewell to the pleasures of meat.
![Sights Resting in Brazil, be sure to take a tour in Ouro Preto, a city that...]()
Sights Resting in Brazil, be sure to take a tour in Ouro Preto, a city that was once the center of gold mining. This small town is famous for its unusual architecture. One of the most famous monuments - the church of San Francisco de Asis, designed by the late eighteenth century, the outstanding Brazilian architect.
![Statue of Christ in Rio Christ the Redeemer monument is 38 meters in height...]()
Statue of Christ in Rio Christ the Redeemer monument is 38 meters in height - the card of Rio de Janeiro. Each year, nearly 2 million travelers from around the world ascend to the foot of the statue, situated on top of Mount Corcovado. Maracana Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is not only one of the largest sports facilities of the country, but this landmark. The object was built over 60 years ago to the FIFA World Cup in Brazil.
![Cathedral of St. Sebastian in Rio de Janeiro Iguazu Falls]()
Cathedral of St. Sebastian in Rio de Janeiro Iguazu Falls
![Thank you for attention (Спасибо за внимание)]()
Thank you for attention (Спасибо за внимание)