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  • ПрезентацияРоссия по английскому языку (5класс)

ПрезентацияРоссия по английскому языку (5класс)

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1 Geography The Russian Federation (Russia) is the largest country in the wor...
1 Geography The Russian Federation (Russia) is the largest country in the world It lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Russia is washed by 12 seas the White Sea; the Barents['ba:rents] Sea; the Ok...
Russia is washed by 12 seas the White Sea, the Barents[ba:rents] Sea, the Okhotsk Sea, the Black Sea, the Baltic [bo:ltik] Sea and others and 3 oceans - the Arctic, - the Atlantic, - the Pacific [pæsi:fik].
The main mountain chains are The Urals The Caucasus[‘ko:kəsəs] The Altai The...
The main mountain chains are The Urals The Caucasus[‘ko:kəsəs] The Altai The longest rivers are the Volga and the Ob (in Europe) the Yenisei and the Lena (in Asia) The largest lakes are - Ladoga - Baikal
Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
2 Economy Russia is rich in natural and mineral resources: They are concentra...
2 Economy Russia is rich in natural and mineral resources: They are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East.
10 million people are engaged in agriculture. They produce
10 million people are engaged in agriculture. They produce
3 Politics Russia is a parliamentary republic [,pa:lə’mentəri ri'pλblik]. Hea...
3 Politics Russia is a parliamentary republic [,pa:lə’mentəri ripλblik]. Head of state is the President. The government consists of three branches: legislative [led3islətiv] законодательная, - executive [igzekjutiv] The President исполнительная - judicial controls each [d3udi∫∂l] судебная of them
The legislative power (the Federal Assembly Федеральное собрание) consists of...
The legislative power (the Federal Assembly Федеральное собрание) consists of the Council of Federation Совет Федерации (They are headed by the Speaker) the State Duma
The executive power (the Government = the Cabinet of Ministers) It is headed...
The executive power (the Government = the Cabinet of Ministers) It is headed by the Prime Minister.
The judicial power (the system of courts) consists of the Constitutional Cour...
The judicial power (the system of courts) consists of the Constitutional Court the Supreme Court Верховный суд (and the others)
4 National Symbols
4 National Symbols
The Russian national flag e Russian national flag he Russian national flag Th...
The Russian national flag e Russian national flag he Russian national flag The colours are symbolic. The red colour means love and bravery. The blue colour means honesty and devotion. The white colour means that Russian people are noble and sincere.
The birch tree People sing beautiful songs with poetic words about birch tree...
The birch tree People sing beautiful songs with poetic words about birch trees and plant them near their houses. In old Russian towns people often call young lovely girls beryozka, beryozon’ka.
The Russian Hymn is the official song of the country by S.Mikhalkov and A.Ale...
The Russian Hymn is the official song of the country by S.Mikhalkov and A.Alexandrov. Россия- священная наша держава, Россия- любимая наша страна. Могучая воля, великая слава- Твое достоянье на все времена!
The Eagle has two heads. One of them looks at the West, another one looks at...
The Eagle has two heads. One of them looks at the West, another one looks at the East. It means that Russia looks at the West and at the East.
5 Capital Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is a political, economic, comme...
5 Capital Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is a political, economic, commercial and cultural centre with the population of about 10 million people.
The official date of the foundation of Moscow is 1147. The town was almost d...
The official date of the foundation of Moscow is 1147. The town was almost destroyed in 1237 and 1293 during the Tatar invention. In 1812 came the Napoleon’s conquest . The city was destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt within a short period.
Moscow is Russia’s largest industrial city. The largest industrial sectors ar...
Moscow is Russia’s largest industrial city. The largest industrial sectors are Other large sectors are
Moscow is the seat of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Moscow is the seat of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Moscow is known for its beautiful old cathedrals, churches, monasteries. One...
Moscow is known for its beautiful old cathedrals, churches, monasteries. One of them is St.Basil /Pokrovsky Cathedral (Vasiliya Blazhennovo khram)
The oldest part of Moscow is the Kremlin. It is the heart of the city. The w...
The oldest part of Moscow is the Kremlin. It is the heart of the city. The word “Kremlin” means “fortress”
Moscow is also noted for its art museums, such as the Tretyakov Gallery and t...
Moscow is also noted for its art museums, such as the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.
конец The End
конец The End

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