• Презентации
  • Презентация к уроку по теме «Образование за границей» УМК «ENJOY ENGLISH»

Презентация к уроку по теме «Образование за границей» УМК «ENJOY ENGLISH»

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Презентация к уроку по теме «Образование за границей» УМК «ENJOY ENGLISH» Би...
Презентация к уроку по теме «Образование за границей» УМК «ENJOY ENGLISH» Би...
Unit 4. The world of opportunities Section 1. Away from home Lesson 3
Unit 4. The world of opportunities Section 1. Away from home Lesson 3
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
13. Work in pairs. Read through the following words and expressions and under...
13. Work in pairs. Read through the following words and expressions and under...
14. Read the following information and answer these questions. Where does the...
14. Read the following information and answer these questions. Where does the...
16. Read some more information from the internet about a student exchange pro...
16. Read some more information from the internet about a student exchange pro...
19. Word focus: word-formation 20. Make up 3-5 sentences with the words from...
19. Word focus: word-formation 20. Make up 3-5 sentences with the words from...
21. a) Work in pairs. Write a list of 3-4 questions you would like to find ou...
21. a) Work in pairs. Write a list of 3-4 questions you would like to find ou...
23. Write a letter of application explaining why you want to participate in t...
23. Write a letter of application explaining why you want to participate in t...

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