Презентация на тему:мое окружение

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My surrounding
My surrounding
About me Hello, my name is Nastya Polomoshnova. And I'll tell you about mysel...
About me Hello, my name is Nastya Polomoshnova. And Ill tell you about myself. I have a big family. We are frendly and lovly.
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My school My school is interesting. It is in the form of the letter H.
My school My school is interesting. It is in the form of the letter H.
My favorite things I study in the 7 form. My favorite subjects are Russian, l...
My favorite things I study in the 7 form. My favorite subjects are Russian, literature, English, History, Society, Algebra, Physics and Technology.
My hobbies I have a lot of hobbies I go to music school and learn to play on...
My hobbies I have a lot of hobbies I go to music school and learn to play on the piano. And I sing in the band Berestinka.
My hobbies My hobby is reading and writing books and poems. I also study to p...
My hobbies My hobby is reading and writing books and poems. I also study to play the flute, guitar, violin, accordion. I like doing needlework and cross-stitch.
My friends I have a lot of friends in the class - almost all girls. But my be...
My friends I have a lot of friends in the class - almost all girls. But my best friend is Anna Konchakova and Nonna Aliseeva. Anja lives in Bondarevo and Nona in Kally and I go to them on the hollidays. I have a friends in the primary schooll.
I love to do I am very naughty girl I like every day, summer and winter. I li...
I love to do I am very naughty girl I like every day, summer and winter. I like cycling, walking barefoot and climbing on the roofs. I love writing jokes and playing the Indians.
Thank you for your watching.
Thank you for your watching.

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