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  • Презентация по англ. языку на тему The International Space Station

Презентация по англ. языку на тему The International Space Station

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International space station
International space station
It is an international project involving 14 countries including Russia
It is an international project involving 14 countries including Russia
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
One of the purposes of the ISS is the possibility of experimentation, requiri...
One of the purposes of the ISS is the possibility of experimentation, requiring unique space flight conditions: microgravity, vacuum, space radiation
ISS has made 100,000 laps around the Earth. Flying around the Earth takes 92...
ISS has made 100,000 laps around the Earth. Flying around the Earth takes 92 minutes. This means that astronauts can watch 16 sunsets and sunrises

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