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  • Презентация ученика 5 н класса Кочкожарова Ивана на тему Моя Самара

Презентация ученика 5 н класса Кочкожарова Ивана на тему Моя Самара

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Samara Ivan Kochkogarov School № 42
Samara Ivan Kochkogarov School № 42
My Samara My city is very big and situated on the Volga river. Its name is Sa...
My Samara My city is very big and situated on the Volga river. Its name is Samara. Samara was founded in 1586 as a fortress guarding Samara town. From 1935 to 1991 the city was called Kuibyshev.
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My Samara Samara is a very old place but it is also a modern city. It is situ...
My Samara Samara is a very old place but it is also a modern city. It is situated not very far from Moscow. The population in Samara is over one million people.
Theatres Samara is famous for its theatres. Gorky Drama Theatre Opera House...
Theatres Samara is famous for its theatres. Gorky Drama Theatre Opera House Philharmonic Puppet Theatre
Museums Samara is famous for its theatres. Space Museum Art Museum Alabin Mu...
Museums Samara is famous for its theatres. Space Museum Art Museum Alabin Museum
Monuments. Samara is famous for its monuments. The monument of Glory The mon...
Monuments. Samara is famous for its monuments. The monument of Glory The monument to Zusekin The monument to Pushkin
Symbols of Samara The symbols of Samara are the longest embankment of the Vol...
Symbols of Samara The symbols of Samara are the longest embankment of the Volga river, the highest railway station in Russia and Ladya.
My Samara I can say “east or west, home is best”. I think Samara is very beau...
My Samara I can say “east or west, home is best”. I think Samara is very beautiful and important for me.

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