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  • Презентация и краткий конспект по английскому языку на тему «Формирование умения диалогической речи на материале темы «Музеи Лондона»

Презентация и краткий конспект по английскому языку на тему «Формирование умения диалогической речи на материале темы «Музеи Лондона»

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London Museums
London Museums
Prepositions of Time in on at from… until…
Prepositions of Time in on at from… until…
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Prepositions of Time in, on, at, from… until… Complete the sentences with the...
Prepositions of Time in, on, at, from… until… Complete the sentences with the...
The Natural History Museum Clink Prison The London Eye The Globe Theatre Mad...
The Natural History Museum Clink Prison The London Eye The Globe Theatre Mad...
The Natural History Museum The museum is in a beautiful old building and has...
The Natural History Museum The museum is in a beautiful old building and has...
Clink Prison In this old London Prison you can experience prison life. You ca...
Clink Prison In this old London Prison you can experience prison life. You ca...
The London Eye Take a bird's-eye view of the capital on this amazing big whee...
The London Eye Take a bird's-eye view of the capital on this amazing big whee...
The Globe Theatre Visit the replica of the old theatre. Learn about the life...
The Globe Theatre Visit the replica of the old theatre. Learn about the life...
Madam Tussaud's This wax museum has an incredible collection. There are famou...
Madam Tussaud's This wax museum has an incredible collection. There are famou...
The National Gallery This has one of the really great collections of painting...
The National Gallery This has one of the really great collections of painting...
The Science Museum There are over 10,000 things to see in this fantastic muse...
The Science Museum There are over 10,000 things to see in this fantastic muse...
The British Museum One of the great museums in the world. There are famous e...
The British Museum One of the great museums in the world. There are famous e...
The Tate Modern Do you like modern art? Yes? Then this is the place for you!...
The Tate Modern Do you like modern art? Yes? Then this is the place for you!...
Reading p. 30 ex. 6 Read the brochure about London. Find the places for these...
Reading p. 30 ex. 6 Read the brochure about London. Find the places for these...
Reading Read the brochure about London. Find the places for these people to v...
Reading Read the brochure about London. Find the places for these people to v...
Listening Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions below: how, go...
Listening Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions below: how, go...
Listening Tourist Information Tourist: 1Good morning . I'd like information a...
Listening Tourist Information Tourist: 1Good morning . I'd like information a...
Get And how do I get there? You can get a bus or the tube. Where can I get a...
Get And how do I get there? You can get a bus or the tube. Where can I get a...
Speaking Work in pairs. Take turns to be a tourist and a guide in London. Use...
Speaking Work in pairs. Take turns to be a tourist and a guide in London. Use...
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Thank you for the lesson!

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