• Презентации
  • Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Animals in our life (4 класс)

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Animals in our life (4 класс)

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forest farm Zoo sea jungle ocean river mountains swamp desert forest
forest farm Zoo sea jungle ocean river mountains swamp desert forest
It is a ... . a goose in the forest in the Zoo in the river in the desert in...
It is a ... . a goose in the forest in the Zoo in the river in the desert in...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
It is a ... . a frog in the forest in the Zoo in the river in the desert in t...
It is a ... . a frog in the forest in the Zoo in the river in the desert in t...
It is a ... . in the forest in the Zoo in the river in the desert in the moun...
It is a ... . in the forest in the Zoo in the river in the desert in the moun...
small smart funny long angry brave useful beautiful dangerous Animals can be:...
small smart funny long angry brave useful beautiful dangerous Animals can be:...
Who is the kindest? a kangaroo a bear a monkey I think that the kindest of th...
Who is the kindest? a kangaroo a bear a monkey I think that the kindest of th...
Who is stronger? a lion a horse I think that … is stronger than … because it...
Who is stronger? a lion a horse I think that … is stronger than … because it...
Who is more dangerous? a crocodile a fox I think that … is more dangerous tha...
Who is more dangerous? a crocodile a fox I think that … is more dangerous tha...
Who is the most beautiful? a cockerel a rabbit I think that the most beautifu...
Who is the most beautiful? a cockerel a rabbit I think that the most beautifu...
Which animal is the most useful? Why? I think that the most useful animal is...
Which animal is the most useful? Why? I think that the most useful animal is...
a kangaroo a fox a rabbit a bear a monkey a crocodile a cockerel a camel a wh...
a kangaroo a fox a rabbit a bear a monkey a crocodile a cockerel a camel a wh...

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