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- The importance of greeting
The importance of greeting
Автор публикации: Ковалева О.Ю.
Дата публикации: 02.06.2016
Краткое описание:
Подготовила: Вяльцева Надежда Юрьевна ученица 9 «Б» класса Руководитель: Ковалева Ольга Юрьевна учитель английского языка Россошь 2016 г. : Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей№11 г. Россоши Россошанского муниципального района Воронежской области ХХХI научно – практическая конференция научного общества учащихся ФГБОУ ВПО « ВГУ» подсекция: « Английский язык. Лингвистика. Лингвокультурология. Методика» исследовательская работа на тему: The importance of greeting
The object of the research work is greeting among people. The hypothesis of the research is the importance to greet each other. The main aims of my work are: - to find some information about greeting, - to identify and learn how to greet people in different countries, - to explore different ways of greeting people, -to do an experiment among students, - to analyze and compare the results of the which I have made among the people of our lyceum. The methods used in the research work are: -the method of collecting information in books and in the Internet, - conducting a survey among the classmates, -comparison.
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Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.
The Casual Verbal Greeting
The Formal Verbal Greeting A casual greeting combines two or more individual types of greetings.(shake a hand and say Hello or and ask a question such as How are you? or introduce a person).
Nonverbal Greeting Nonverbal greetings include a wave of the hand with the palm facing out, a hand wave with the fingers moving down repetitively to the palm, a wink of the eye or a simple smile and eye contact, shake hands with each other or give each other a pat on the back.
How to greet people in different countries A kiss, a hug, a handshake, a bow….
The USA It is normal for men to shake hands when they meet, but it is quite unusual for men to kiss when they greet each other.
Great Britain The British often simply say ‘hello’ when they meet friends. They usually shake hands only when they meet for the first time.
Japan In Japan, the common greeting for men and women as well is to bow when they greet someone, as opposed to giving a casual handshake or a hug.
Arab countries In Arab countries, close male friends or colleagues hug and kiss both cheeks. They shake hands with the right hand only, for longer but less firmly than in the West.
India People say Namaste while pressing both your palms together, fingers touching one another and pointing upward and making a simple bow.
Russia To greet a person you know well, say zdravstvuj or privyet! To greet people you dont know well, say zdravstvujtye.
Weird and wonderful greetings Tibet. It might be bad manners anywhere else in the world, but in Tibet poking out one’s tongue is the customary way to welcome people.
Mongolia A Mongol will present the guest with a hada – a strip of silk or cotton.
Kenya In Kenya, the Maasai enjoy their vibrant welcoming dance.
China The traditional welcome in China is referred to as the kowtow, a custom which involves folding hands, bowing, and if you’re a female making a wanfu, which involves the folding and moving of hands down by the side of the body.
Philippines When a younger person greets an older person they must bow a little, grab the elderly persons right hand with their right hand, allowing their knuckles to touch the elder person’s forehead.
Greece In Greece a slap on the back often takes place instead of shaking hands. Be careful when you greet someone with a slap on the back…
Oman In Oman people usually shake hands, but some men might kiss you on the nose.
Zambia In Zambia some people greet each other by squeezing a thumb.
The different hand gestures around the world Waving your full arm side to side Counting with fingers Curling the index finger, or four fingers toward you Pointing directly to someone
World Hello Day November, 21 is the annual World Hello Day. The purpose of World Hello Day is simple – to encourage communication and dialogue between people of different backgrounds in order to achieve peace and understanding.
The survey Do you welcome your teachers?
How do you welcome your parents?
How do you greet your friends?
Do you worry if friends, relatives not to greet you?