Презентация -Экологический квиз 8 класс

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The tallest grass in the world is a bamboo. that is: A B C 3.7 m high 100 m h...
The tallest grass in the world is a bamboo. that is: A B C 3.7 m high 100 m high 37 m high 1 1
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How many of our home wastes can be recycled? A B C Half None All 2
How many of our home wastes can be recycled? A B C Half None All 2
What % of the Earth’s water can be found in the oceans? A B C 25% 97% 66% 3
What % of the Earth’s water can be found in the oceans? A B C 25% 97% 66% 3
Who weights more – all the humans in the world or all the insects in the worl...
Who weights more – all the humans in the world or all the insects in the world? A B C The humans weight twice as much The insects weight 12 times as much They weight about the same 4
How many trees can we save every year by recycling 1 newspaper every day? A B...
How many trees can we save every year by recycling 1 newspaper every day? A B C 1 5 None 5
Which country doesn’t have rainforests? A B C Spain Australia Brazil 6
Which country doesn’t have rainforests? A B C Spain Australia Brazil 6
A B C Ants Whales Elephants Which animals have got smaller eyes in proportion...
A B C Ants Whales Elephants Which animals have got smaller eyes in proportion to their bodies? 7
How many flowers must beers visit to make a pound of honey? ( pound=454g) A B...
How many flowers must beers visit to make a pound of honey? ( pound=454g) A B C Two hundred Two thousand Two million 8
How much water can a camel drink in ten minutes? A B C 19 liters Up to 112 li...
How much water can a camel drink in ten minutes? A B C 19 liters Up to 112 liters 3 liters 9
How many hours a day does a koala sleep? A B C 8 hours 22 hours 1 hour 10
How many hours a day does a koala sleep? A B C 8 hours 22 hours 1 hour 10
A B C Mexico Tokyo Los Angeles Which city is the most populated? 11
A B C Mexico Tokyo Los Angeles Which city is the most populated? 11
A B C Washing plates by hands Washing plates in a dishwashing machine Washing...
A B C Washing plates by hands Washing plates in a dishwashing machine Washing plates with hose (шланг) Which process takes less water? 12
How many sea animals are killed every year by plastic bags and wastes in the...
How many sea animals are killed every year by plastic bags and wastes in the ocean? A B C Up to one million None Some hundreds 13
How many trees do we need to absorb carbon dioxide (углекислый газ) produced...
How many trees do we need to absorb carbon dioxide (углекислый газ) produced by one car? A B C 1 50 100 14
Which sea habitat has the greatest variety of species? A B C Coast line Coral...
Which sea habitat has the greatest variety of species? A B C Coast line Coral reef Seagrass beds 15
In two hours a bamboo tree can grow almost: A B C 1.2 m 10 cm 5 m 16
In two hours a bamboo tree can grow almost: A B C 1.2 m 10 cm 5 m 16
about 50 kg about 400 kg about 225 kg How many wastes does a person “produce...
about 50 kg about 400 kg about 225 kg How many wastes does a person “produce” every year? 17
40 liters of water 1000 liters of water 100 liters of water To grow 1 kilo of...
40 liters of water 1000 liters of water 100 liters of water To grow 1 kilo of potatoes we need: 18

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