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Star Hour “Great Britain” Автор: учитель английского языка ГБОУ «школа №814»...
Star Hour “Great Britain” Автор: учитель английского языка ГБОУ «школа №814» г. Москва Сорокина И. В., октябрь 2016 г.
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Choose the correct answer for each question. Which of the following is the ca...
Choose the correct answer for each question. Which of the following is the capital city of Britain? Maidstone b)London c)Manchester d)Leads Who is the current monarch? a) King George b) Queen Elizabeth I c) Queen Elizabeth II d) Queen Elizabeth III The highest point in the UK is… a) Kinder Scout, England b) Snowdon, Wales c)Ben Navis, Scotland d) Helvellyn, England How many countries are here in the UK? a) 4 b)3 c)1 d)2 The British flag is often called… a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes c) the Maple Leaf d) the Beaver
Choose the correct answer for each question. The Beatles started their career...
Choose the correct answer for each question. The Beatles started their career in… a) London b) Liverpool c)Birmingham d)Cardiff Stonehenge is about … years old a) 40 b)400 c)4000 d)10 The Boat Race is rowed between which two universities: a) Cambridge and Durham b)Oxford and Durham c) Durham and Bath d) Oxford and Cambridge The channel Tunnel, linking the UK to the rest of Europe, runs between England and which country? a) France b) Germany c)Belgium d) Netherlands When do children go “trick or treating”? a) July, 4 b) April, 1 c) November,5 d) October, 31
The UK lies on two islands, the largest of them is..., the smallest is… The c...
The UK lies on two islands, the largest of them is..., the smallest is… The climate of the UK depends on…which is a warm oceanic current. There are many rivers in the country. The most important river is the Thames. The longest river is… … is legally the head of the UK. Each Parliamentary session is officially opened by…
English and American people often make … (they are promises for the New Year)...
English and American people often make … (they are promises for the New Year). In Britain, the day after Christmas is … In Scotland the first visitor who comes into a house on New Year’s morning is … The Scots believe that if this visitor is a man (or a boy) not a woman, and has dark hair he brings luck to the family for the New Year. The Scottish people call … “Hogmanay”. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the …
Country	Symbol England	Daffodil Wales	Thistle Ireland	Rose Scotland	Shamrock
Country Symbol England Daffodil Wales Thistle Ireland Rose Scotland Shamrock
Country	Patron Saint England	St.David Wales	St.Andrew Ireland	St.George Scotl...
Country Patron Saint England St.David Wales St.Andrew Ireland St.George Scotland St.Patrick
Read the statements and mark each of them as True or False. Shakespeare was b...
Read the statements and mark each of them as True or False. Shakespeare was born in born in Stratford-upon-Avon. A mile is longer than a kilometre. In Britain, black cats are believed to bring bad luck. The President of Britain is elected every seven years. Haggis is a traditional Scottish musical instrument.
Read and correct the notes about London if necessary. London began its life t...
Read and correct the notes about London if necessary. London began its life two thousand years ago as a Roman fortress. Almost all British kings and queens were crowned in Westminster Abbey. This tradition was founded by William the Conqueror in 1068. Buckingham Palace was bought in 1792 by King George III and became the permanent home of monarch. The Whispering Gallery at the Houses of Parliament is so called because a whisper against the wall can be heard on the opposite side of the gallery, more than 32 metres away. Madame Tussaud’s is a famous waxworks museum.
Give Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs Better late than n...
Give Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs Better late than never. East or west, home is best. The face is an index of the mind. Every dog has its day. Actions speak louder than words. Curiosity killed the cat. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The apple never falls far from the tree. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Cross-cultural test. Choose the correct answers. The usual response to “How...
Cross-cultural test. Choose the correct answers. The usual response to “How are you?” in English is… Fine, thank you. b) How do you do? c) Terrible. My mother is ill. Typical informal leave-taking in English is… a) Goodbye b)See you c) Good luck When it is someone’s birthday, it is usual to say in English… a) Congratulations b) Good luck c) I’m sorry You’ve given your friend a special New Year’s present. Your friend thanks you. You answer… a) Don’t mention it. b) Not at all. c) You’re welcome.
Match the names of the dishes with their definitions names	definitions Plough...
Match the names of the dishes with their definitions names definitions Ploughman’s lunch Backed batter, a mixture of flour egg, milk and salt. Curry B. A dish cooked from coarse oatmeal and eaten with milk or cream, and sugar or salt. Porridge C. A dish consisting of meat, vegetables and very spicy sauce. Yorkshire pudding D. A dish consisting of bread, cheese, pickled onions and vegetables.

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