Презентация к уроку английского языка Start anew

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Start anew. Panchenko A.S. 10 class
Start anew. Panchenko A.S. 10 class
The first day of school - the flowers, smiles, meeting with classmates, and...
The first day of school - the flowers, smiles, meeting with classmates, and the beginning of a new school year - a step into the world of knowledge. The most important thing - waiting for new knowledge and discoveries! I like to learn, because its fun! Every day I open myself to something new and unexpected ...
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For me it's the way to start a new, unknown, interesting. But despite the dif...
For me its the way to start a new, unknown, interesting. But despite the difficulties coming, Im sure that my year at the school will be bright and cheerful.
I like that in our school there are many activities in which we can manifest...
I like that in our school there are many activities in which we can manifest itself.
I think that some lessons must be not at school but in the park or at museums...
I think that some lessons must be not at school but in the park or at museums. I think it is interesting.
The school uniform has strictness which make children study at school more se...
The school uniform has strictness which make children study at school more seriously. And school uniform makes children more disciplined .

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