Презентация по ИЯ Holidays (3 класс)

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The English Year Holidays in Britain and in America
The English Year Holidays in Britain and in America
November December January February Winter months
November December January February Winter months
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
March April grass A leaf - leaves Spring months
March April grass A leaf - leaves Spring months
May June July Summer months
May June July Summer months
August September October A forest A field Autumn months
August September October A forest A field Autumn months
The English Year Part 1
The English Year Part 1
The winter months November, December, January, February To rain To snow cold...
The winter months November, December, January, February To rain To snow cold Winter in Great Britain
A great holiday In November Families come together Decorate the houses with A...
A great holiday In November Families come together Decorate the houses with Autumn’s fruit and flowers Eat traditional food Roast turkey and pumpkin pie Thanksgiving Day
How do American people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
How do American people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
On the 25th of December The greatest holiday Give each other presents Send gr...
On the 25th of December The greatest holiday Give each other presents Send greeting cards Buy a Christmas tree Decorate with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights Christmas Celebrations
A stocking – stockings Roast turkey Christmas pudding The Queen’s speech On t...
A stocking – stockings Roast turkey Christmas pudding The Queen’s speech On television At 3.00 p.m.
During Christmas A large Christmas tree In the centre of London In Trafalgar...
During Christmas A large Christmas tree In the centre of London In Trafalgar Square
What is the greatest holiday in Britain?
What is the greatest holiday in Britain?
How do English people Decorate their houses?
How do English people Decorate their houses?
What is the traditional Christmas dinner?
What is the traditional Christmas dinner?
When is the Queen’s Speech on TV?
When is the Queen’s Speech on TV?
What is there in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square?
What is there in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square?
New Year in Britain On the 31st of December To have a New Year party at home...
New Year in Britain On the 31st of December To have a New Year party at home To have a toast to the New Year To go on till early morning
When do English people celebrate New Year?
When do English people celebrate New Year?
How do English people celebrate New Year?
How do English people celebrate New Year?

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