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- Презентация на тему To be or not to be vegeterian
Презентация на тему To be or not to be vegeterian
Автор публикации: Коптлеуова Б.Д.
Дата публикации: 23.08.2016
Краткое описание:
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Questions 1. What about is this video? 2. Who is the main character? 3. Why she doesn’t want eat animals? 4. Why does she feel sorry animals? 5. What does she think about cooked animals?
“Popular ways to lose weight” or how to be healthy!
- eat less of everything - exercise more - use low-calorie food - don’t eat at night - eat more vegetables and fruit - follow a diet - count calories - do sport - sleep in time - get up early - run - eat in time
New words: Sudden – внезапно, вдруг Feel sick – чувствовать больным Soon – скоро Tell (told) – рассказывать Can (could) – мочь, можешь Take (took) – взять, брать Feel (felt) – чувствовать Give (gave) up – бросать Give (gave) – давать Advice – совет Wrong – неправильно Bad – worse – the worst – плохо Healthy – healthier – здоровый Proud – горд Decision – решение To be honest – быть честным guilty – виновный
Homework: Ex: 5 Text A (Read and translate)