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- Методический семинар мои выпускники
Методический семинар мои выпускники
Автор публикации: Ильина С.С.
Дата публикации: 01.05.2016
Краткое описание:
ВЕРХНЕВИЛЮЙСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ ЛИЦЕЙ ИНТЕРНАТ М.А. АЛЕКСЕЕВА Ильина Светлана Саввична Учитель английского языка Заслуженный учитель РФ Отличник образования РС (Я) Финалист России конкурса учителей английского языка 2002 Звание «Учитель учителей» Стипендиат «Дети Саха – Азия» Ветеран педагогического труда занесена в педагогическую энциклопедию РС (Я) том 3 4 – ды финалист Дальнего Востока в конкурсе учителей английского языка и страноведения США Почетный гражданин Быраканского наслега Верхневилюйского улуса Высшая квалификационная категория Педагогический стаж: 42
Методический семинар Инновационные подходы в обучении иностранным языкам Якутск 2015
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1 Болтокова Даша Университет Британской Колумбии Ученая ст.бакалавра Канада 2 Борисов Ганя Переводчик Египет 3 Дмитриев Ганя Университет Глазго Шотландия 4 Захарова Айта Сеулский Университет Южная Корея 5 Захарова Саргы Университет Кейо Токио Япония 6 Иванова Иванида Университет Авиньон Франция 7 Ильин Кеша Университет Орхон Студент Монголия 8 Кардашевская Алена Университет Питтсбурга США 9 Кардашевский Саша Университет Глазго Шотландия 10 Кузнецова Тома Университет Орхон Студент Монголия 11 Павлова Станислава учится Германия 12 Сибирякова Мария Университет Огайо США 13 Слепцова Августина Пражский университет Чехословакия 14 Миронова Лариса Университет Майами США 15 Никурданов Миша Университет Лос Анджелес США 16 Павлова Валентина Университет г. Линчопинг Швеция 17 Степанова Саша Университет Шанхай КНР 18 Хохолова Наташа Техасский Университет США 19 Чиркоева Диана Университет ДР Народов Переводчик Марокко 20 Щерватов Андрей Университет Шеннон Ирландия
Мария Тараховская Лондонский университет. преподаватель
To whom it may concern: As a Fulbright FLTA alumni, Graduate Student in MA Linguistics, Russian TA, Instructor of Elementary, Intermediate Russian in ForeignLanguage Department of West Virginia University I am delighted to recommend to you my teacher of English Svetlana Ilyina, and to write this letter on her behalf. Svetlana Ilyina is an English teacher in Verkhneviluysk Republican Gymnasium after the name M.A.Alekssev. I met Svetlana Savvichna during my first year in the Gymnasium. By that time I knew just some limited vocabulary in English, and absolutely had no knowledge in grammar and communication. From the very first our acquaintance I knew I wanted to be in her class, because I really wanted to understand what she was saying to me. No matter under what circumstances I would run into her outside of class, she would always speak English to me and to other students. I remember first couple of weeks being very challenging, and I remember the day when I first got my satisfactory grade on speaking. I remember Svetlana Savvichna saying that I should be proud of myself for getting this grade because I really earned it and that the knowledge should not be reduced to the grade. I took it as my personal motto throughout all my student life. Svetlana Savvichna is truly a great teacher. Under very restricted and preserved conditions, with no native speakers around, even back then in ninetieth, she was able to create English speaking atmosphere by teaching not only the language but cultural aspects. Her dedication to work is enormous: she would organize events for students even during summer holidays. I remember my experience first time encountering a real native speaker. My friend Masha Ivanova and I were supposed to show around to the lady that came to visit from America. That was the turning point in my learning English experience: for the first time I realize I could actually make myself be understood by a foreigner! It was a great feeling of satisfaction and achievement. Svetlana Savvichnas personal interest to the language, her curiosity, enthusiasm, motivation, and optimism was rewarded, and can be seen in the achievements of her students. I would say that she is a perfect picture teacher: always very interesting but challenging at the same time, strict but fun to be around, demanding but caring. She would always make sure no single student is falling behind. She was very available and approachable even outside of class time, always ready to answer every question we had about confusing grammar points, pronunciation or cultural gaps that can occur in language. I am happy to say that Savetlana Savvichna is one of those people who evoked my interest to English that I took it as a future career. Igraduated from Foreign Language Department of Yakutsk State University with degree in Interpretation and Translation and Teaching Methodology. After the graduation I worked as an English Instructor in Sakha State Pedagogical Academy, and received Fulbright FLTA grant to teach in USA. After a year in Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH, I got accepted in MA linguistic program in West Virginia University where I also teach Russian. After the completion of the MA program, I am planning to pursue PHD in Linguistics. With the great confidence, I am happy to recommend my teacher Svetlana Ilyina to you. Sincerely, Maria Tarakhovskaya Graduate MA Linguistics Program Student Russian TA, Instructor of Elementary Russian West Virginia University
Dear Svetlana Savvichna, I was very glad to hear from you and I really appreciate you taking an effort of contacting me. At this time I am working on receiving my PhD at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. I am writing my dissertation on Circulation of Gossip and mOney within the Russian Literary Discourse of the 19th century. My advisor is a well-known scholar in her field Professor Harriet Murav, currently a head of German Department, an author of many publications and books, she is also a specialist of Comparative Literature of the 19th century and Jewish Studies. Her well known books are as follows: Russias Legal Fictions and Holy foolisheness in Russian Tradition. Currently I am taking my preliminary exams. The first one was on my minor field : Gender and Womens Studies and another one on Intellectual Discourse in the 19th century Russia. Throughout my preparatory process I covered current psychoanalytically infused gender theory and criticism, by such authors as Helene Showalter , Helene Moglen, Susan Gubar and others. I also teach in order to have a stable income and a tuition waiver for the class credits I am still taking. I teach Intermediate Russian and Literary Theory. I live alone, I often travel on my fellowship from MIddle-Eastern Studies center to Istanbul, Turkey to so some archival research and Russia. I like my program and overall university, though this school is famous for an excellent (numero uno) Engineering Program. Best, Natasha I hope this was enough, but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. the website for my U of I : uiuc.edu you can find my academic profile there
Анализ учебника английского языка Милады Броукал для среднего уровня обучения, г.Якутск, 1995г., Новые подходы в обучении английскому языку в ВВРГ 1996г., г. Оксфорд Великобритания, «Обучение сотрудничеству на уроках английского языка» , «Письмо как средство обучения языку», «Биир кэлим экзамен туьунан санаалар», «Кто в ответе за гражданское образование кроме школы?» Южная Каролина,США, «Семиноллар остуоруйалара», « Гимназисты за рубежом», « Техника обучения письму», Перевод стихотворений с якутского на английский Виталия Власова, «Чахчы методист учуутал этэ» М.И. Шамаева кэриэьигэр, «Мультикультурное образование в школе» Р.А.Корякина и С.С.Ильина, «Михаил Андреевиhы кытта µлэлээбит кэмнэрим» Улуу учууталга сµгµрµйµµ, ¥³hээ Бµлµµ, 2007сыл.
ОБОБЩЕНИЕ И РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ ОПЫТА НА ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОМ УРОВНЕ 1998,1999,2000, 2002 - эти годы были самыми плодотворными для меня, так как я получила «Признание достижений в преподавании английского языка и страноведения США» в г.Владивосток, а 2002 год стал поистине счастливым. Стала финалистом России на Всероссийском конкурсе учителей английского языка и страноведения США. Проверяли уровень квалификации конкурсантов и оценивали по многим параметрам: профильное образование, стаж работы, качества лидера и новатора, умение дифференцированно подходить к своим ученикам с учетом их возраста, пола, физических и умственных способностей, использование технических средств: наличие публикаций, наград и т д. Как четырехкратный финалист (впервые в истории Якутии), получила дипломы и право на приобретение учебной литературы и техники для школы на сумму 8000 долларов США и пособий для своей работы на 8000 долларов.