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- Презентация по англ. яз на тему See it to believe it
Презентация по англ. яз на тему See it to believe it
Автор публикации: Агузарова С.В.
Дата публикации: 21.09.2016
Краткое описание:
Huge eyes огромные глаза Giant tentacles гигантские щупальца Sharp hooks острые крюки A long tail длинный хвост A humped back горбатая спина Long arms длинные руки A short neck короткая шея A snake-like head змееподобная голова Two-legged двуногий A hairy body волосатое тело
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Describe the creature Huge eyes Giant tentacles Sharp hooks A long tail A humped back Long arms A short neck A snake-like head Two-legged A hairy body
Describe the creature Huge eyes Giant tentacles Sharp hooks A long tail A humped back Long arms A short neck A snake-like head Two-legged A hairy body
Describe the creature Huge eyes Giant tentacles Sharp hooks A long tail A humped back Long arms A short neck A snake-like head Two-legged A hairy body
Words to remember Sightings – наблюдения Unicorn – единорог Ancient – древний Couple – пара (муж и жена, мужчина и женщина) Horrifying – ужасный Blunt – тупой (о предметах) Violent – сильный, мощный, жестокий Whirlpool – водоворот Bottom – низ, дно Squid – кальмар Witness – свидетель, очевидец Ape – человекообразная обезьяна, примат Fossil – ископаемое, окаменелость
Fill in: recorded / humped / horrifying / mythical / snake/human / sharp / giant / violent / extinct 1. _____________ creatures 2. ______________ back 3. _____________ - like head 4. _____________ sightings 5. _____________ squid 6. _____________ whirlpool 7. _____________ hooks 8. _____________ prints 9. _____________ ape 10. ____________ sea monster mythical humped snake recorded giant violent sharp human extinct horrifying
Synonyms Stayed alive With great force Shocking, disgusting Until now Came closer Wide Close to Things that have been seen Tell people about Survived Violent Horrifying So far Approached Across Off Sightings Report
Opposites Different Destroy Real Unknown Top Blunt Luckily Miniature Similar Create Mythical Famous Bottom Sharp Unfortunately Giant
Read definitions and decide which word is defined. 1. When you see something or someone, especially that is rare or trying to hide. 2. A small area of the sea or other violent water in which there is a powerful circular current of water which can pull objects down into its centre. 3. A sea animal with a long body and ten arms situated around the mouth. 4. Sudden and powerful. 5. An animal like a large monkey which has no tail and uses its arms to swing through trees. Whirlpool Violent Ape Sighting Squid
Make the dialogue. Read the text and choose the facts you were impressed by. A: What things impressed you most? B: I was impressed by… . I didn’t know that…. And you? A: As for me, I…
Ways to look: Stare уставиться, пристально смотреть Spot замечать Glare пристально смотреть (со злостью) Glance бросить быстрый взгляд Catch a glimpse of увидеть мельком
Use the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences. Stare / catch a glimpse of / spot / glance / glare 1. When I saw the strange creature, I couldn’t stop ___________ (looking for a long time) at it. 2. Kelly ___________ (looked for a short time) quickly at her watch and then back at the water. 3. I think I just ____________________ (saw briefly but not well) a small hairy creature. Did you see anything? 4. The creature seemed to __________ (look angrily) at me from the page of the book. 5. Did you _________ (notice) anything strange in the lake? staring glanced caught a glimpse of glare spot
Reflection How many words from the text have you remembered? Tell which things in the text impressed you most? Why? I was impressed by…, because… Learn the expressions from ex.5, p. 42 (for quiz)