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The 11th of February English lesson 3 “Ә” form
The 11th of February English lesson 3 “Ә” form
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a tram a car a horse trolleybus a plane a bike
a tram a car a horse trolleybus a plane a bike
Theme of the lesson How do you go to school? (types of transport)
Theme of the lesson How do you go to school? (types of transport)
Active vocabulary Bus - автобус, plane - ұшақ, ship - кеме, underground - мет...
Active vocabulary Bus - автобус, plane - ұшақ, ship - кеме, underground - метро, car - жеңіл көлік, bike - велосипед, trolleybus - тролейбус, tram - трамвай, walk - жаяу жүру, get to somewhere - бір жерге жету
Read and learn How do you go to school? – I go to school by trolleybus. How d...
Read and learn How do you go to school? – I go to school by trolleybus. How do you go to school? – I go to school by bus How do you go to school? – I go to school by car How do you go to school? – I walk to school. How do you go to school? – I go to school by bike. How do you go to school? – I go to school by taxi How do you go to school? – I go to school by tram
Now, pupils let’s do this test. 1.How do you get to America? S. by plane B. b...
Now, pupils let’s do this test. 1.How do you get to America? S. by plane B. by bus C. by motorbike 2. I never get to school by… A. on foot B. walking H. by train 3. This type of transport goes only on the water O. a ship B. a train C. a helicopter
Learn to read.
Learn to read.

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