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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Еда (8 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Еда (8 класс)

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What do these proverbs mean? 1. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 2. Appe...
What do these proverbs mean? 1. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 2. Appetite comes with eating. 3. Hunger is the best sauce.
What do you usually eat at school? {
What do you usually eat at school? {
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Where do you get it / them from: home, the shops, the school canteen?
Where do you get it / them from: home, the shops, the school canteen?
Complete the sentences I usually eat … I get it from ...
Complete the sentences I usually eat … I get it from ...
Obento or Bento is Japanese food. Bento includes rice, fish or meat, and one...
Obento or Bento is Japanese food. Bento includes rice, fish or meat, and one or more kinds of chopped raw or pickled vegetables in a box with a lid.
Vocabulary practice scrambled - [skrαembld] - смешанный poached - [pəutJt] –в...
Vocabulary practice scrambled - [skrαembld] - смешанный poached - [pəutJt] –в мешочек (о сваренном яйце) roast - [rəust] – запеченный boiled - [boild]- варёный fried - [fraid]- жареный mashed - [maeJt] – размятый steamed - [sti:mt] – на пару baked - [beikt]- печёный ( в духовке) grilled - [grild] – запечённый на решётке
Eggs I love… I prefer… Scrambled Poached Fried Roast Boiled
Eggs I love… I prefer… Scrambled Poached Fried Roast Boiled
Potatoes I love… I prefer… Baked Roast Pickled Mashed Boiled
Potatoes I love… I prefer… Baked Roast Pickled Mashed Boiled
Vegetables Steamed Scrambled Pickled Boiled I love… I prefer…
Vegetables Steamed Scrambled Pickled Boiled I love… I prefer…
Chicken I love… I prefer… Grilled Roast Mashed Baked Fried
Chicken I love… I prefer… Grilled Roast Mashed Baked Fried
Rice I love… I prefer… Fried Roast Steamed Boiled
Rice I love… I prefer… Fried Roast Steamed Boiled
Fish I love… I prefer… Baked Fried Scrambled Grilled Poached
Fish I love… I prefer… Baked Fried Scrambled Grilled Poached

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