- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку на тему: May day
Презентация по английскому языку на тему: May day
Автор публикации: Турова П.В.
Дата публикации: 13.09.2016
Краткое описание:
![May Spring Festival in Britain Turova Polina Student 3EE group 2011]()
May Spring Festival in Britain Turova Polina Student 3EE group 2011
![References Голицынский Ю.Б. Great Britain: Пособие по страноведению – СПб.: К...]()
References Голицынский Ю.Б. Great Britain: Пособие по страноведению – СПб.: КАРО, 2010. – 480с.
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![About what we will speak: May day Traditional English May day include: Morris...]()
About what we will speak: May day Traditional English May day include: Morris dancing, Dancing around a Maypole crowning a May queen . Music Costumes Dancer
![New words Traditional – традиции Costumer – костюм Tricks – уловки Garlands...]()
New words Traditional – традиции Costumer – костюм Tricks – уловки Garlands – гирлянды Trays – подносы Maypole – майское дерево Ribbons – ленты Drum – барабан Fiddle - скрипка
![Morris dancing]()
![The Origins of Morris Dancing.]()
The Origins of Morris Dancing.
![Dancing around a Maypole Dancing around a Maypole]()
Dancing around a Maypole Dancing around a Maypole
![On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground...]()
On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of summer. People danced around the tree poles in celebration of the end of winter and the start of the fine weather that would allow planting to begin. Maypoles were once common all over England and were kept from one year to the next.
![May Queen By tradition she took no part in the games or dancing, but sat like...]()
May Queen By tradition she took no part in the games or dancing, but sat like a queen in a flower-decked chair to watch her subjects.
![The Music Accordians and a fiddle Two accordians and on the right a concertin...]()
The Music Accordians and a fiddle Two accordians and on the right a concertina Drum
!['BAKANALIA' are a Border Morris Dancing group from Leicester. Bethane Border...]()
BAKANALIA are a Border Morris Dancing group from Leicester. Bethane Border Morris Dancers
![The dancer Cotswold Morris]()
The dancer Cotswold Morris
![Translate the words Tricks Trays Ribbons Drum Fiddle Costumer]()
Translate the words Tricks Trays Ribbons Drum Fiddle Costumer
![True or False Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing...]()
True or False Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, dancing around a Maypole and May Queen. Morris Dancing it is a traditional English form of folk dancing, performed by groups of men or women. Maypole – On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of autumn. May Queen took part in the games or dancing. The dancers may carry white handkerchiefs that they shake, or short sticks that they bang against each other as they dance.