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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Разделительные вопросы (6 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Разделительные вопросы (6 класс)

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It’s a nice day, ____________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. is...
It’s a nice day, ____________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. isn’t it
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You’re not English, _________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. ar...
You’re not English, _________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. are you
She isn’t happy, _________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. is she
She isn’t happy, _________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. is she
He’s French, _________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. isn’t he
He’s French, _________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. isn’t he
You live in London, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. d...
You live in London, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. don’t you
He doesn’t eat meat , _______? Complete each sentence with a question tag. do...
He doesn’t eat meat , _______? Complete each sentence with a question tag. does he
She works a lot, ____________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. do...
She works a lot, ____________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. doesn’t she
They’re watching TV, ____________? Complete each sentence with a question tag...
They’re watching TV, ____________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. aren’t they
He isn’t working today, __________? Complete each sentence with a question ta...
He isn’t working today, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. is he
Brian’s reading, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. isn’...
Brian’s reading, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. isn’t he
You can swim, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. can’t you
You can swim, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. can’t you
She can’t play the piano, __________? Complete each sentence with a question...
She can’t play the piano, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. can she
She saw Bill yesterday, __________? Complete each sentence with a question ta...
She saw Bill yesterday, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. didn’t she
They didn’t like the film, __________? Complete each sentence with a question...
They didn’t like the film, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. did they
You told Jane, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. didn’t...
You told Jane, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. didn’t you
He didn’t answer the letter, __________? Complete each sentence with a questi...
He didn’t answer the letter, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. did he
You’ve been here before, __________? Complete each sentence with a question t...
You’ve been here before, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. haven’t you
He hasn’t eaten yet, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag....
He hasn’t eaten yet, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. has he
She’s just arrived, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. h...
She’s just arrived, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. hasn’t she
You were talking on the phone, __________? Complete each sentence with a ques...
You were talking on the phone, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. weren’t you
He was bringing the bread, __________? Complete each sentence with a question...
He was bringing the bread, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. wasn’t he
I was picking you up, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag....
I was picking you up, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. wasn’t I
They won’t be late, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. w...
They won’t be late, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. will they
You will send me a postcard, __________? Complete each sentence with a questi...
You will send me a postcard, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. won’t you
He won’t be at home tomorrow, __________? Complete each sentence with a quest...
He won’t be at home tomorrow, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. will he
We’re going to be late, __________? Complete each sentence with a question ta...
We’re going to be late, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. aren’t we
I’m not going to remember, __________? Complete each sentence with a question...
I’m not going to remember, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. am I
He’s going to take an exam, __________? Complete each sentence with a questio...
He’s going to take an exam, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. isn’t he
They had been there before, __________? Complete each sentence with a questio...
They had been there before, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. hadn’t they
She had already been told, __________? Complete each sentence with a question...
She had already been told, __________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. hadn’t she
You’d like a cup of tea, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question...
You’d like a cup of tea, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. wouldn’t you
She wouldn’t like to be late, ___________? Complete each sentence with a ques...
She wouldn’t like to be late, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. would she
He would call if he were late, ___________? Complete each sentence with a que...
He would call if he were late, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. wouldn’t he
We mustn’t tell her, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag....
We mustn’t tell her, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. must we
They have to listen in class, ___________? Complete each sentence with a ques...
They have to listen in class, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. don’t they
I don’t have to wait for you, ___________? Complete each sentence with a ques...
I don’t have to wait for you, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. do I
She should have gone to the dentist’s, ___________? Complete each sentence wi...
She should have gone to the dentist’s, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. shouldn’t she
He could have waited for me, ___________? Complete each sentence with a quest...
He could have waited for me, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. couldn’t he
He couldn’t swim at 4, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question ta...
He couldn’t swim at 4, ___________? Complete each sentence with a question tag. could he
Список литературы http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/987/girlsg.jpg - фоновый...
Список литературы http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/987/girlsg.jpg - фоновый рисунок Голицынский Ю.Б., Голицынская Н.А. «Грамматика» - вопросы

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