- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку Викторина для начальных классов
Презентация по английскому языку Викторина для начальных классов
Автор публикации: Слепцова А.С.
Дата публикации: 14.05.2016
Краткое описание:
Викторина по английскому языку для младших школьников
ANIMALS FOOD WEATHER, SEASONS HOUSE ACTIVITIES CLOTHES 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 3
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Name the animals: A cat A dog A tiger A mouse An elephant A fox A lion A rabbit
Name these kinds of food: Cheese Milk Chocolate Bananas Oranges Sweets Nuts Soup
Name the objects: A chair A bed A TV-set A carpet A table A lamp A fridge A computer
Name the actions: Dancing Reading Jumping Skipping Skiing Skating Swimming Playing football
Name the clothes: A dress A skirt A coat Shorts Trainers Shoes A sweater Trousers
Give the adjectives describing pictures: Hot Foggy Cloudy Rainy Cold Sunny Windy Snowy
Name domestic and wild animals: cats tigers dogs wolves hens cows pigs monkeys lions deer ducks rabbits giraffes sheep Wild Domestic
Name fruits and vegetables: corn apples tomatoes oranges cabbage potatoes lemons bananas carrots grapes pears cucumbers peaches plums Fruits Vegetables
Name objects from the bedroom and the kitchen: A bed A fridge A table A desk A computer A cupboard A bookshelf A sink A wardrobe Books A stove A teapot Cups A table lamp Kitchen Bedroom
Name winter and summer activities: Swimming Tobogganing Playing volleyball Skiing Diving Jumping Playing snowballs Skating Playing football Walking Making a snowman Riding a bike Playing tennis Playing hockey Winter activities Summer activities
Name official and casual clothes: Trainers A top A blouse A suit Shoes A T-shirt A sport suit Jeans Trousers A shirt A cap Shorts Official clothes Casual clothes
Choose the adjectives which can describe both – summer and winter weather: Frosty Sunny Warm Cloudy Rainy Foggy Windy Cold Snowy Hot Adjectives
Name a missing word in a couple: ONE MANY ONE MANY A cat Cats A sheep Sheep A fox Foxes A horse Horses A wolf Wolves A deer Deer A fish Fish A pig Pigs A monkey Monkeys A mouse Mice
Name a missing word in a couple (a, an, some): some cheese a tomato a banana a pear an apple some juice an orange some milk some soup a lemon a sweet some tea
Make up words: lalh hall orod door citkneh kitchen alwl wall ttolie toilet tfal flat diwnow window riahc chair pyratn pantry resotp poster oebormd bedroom ateprc carpet
Use “play” where it is necessary: play tennis - skate play hockey play volleyball - jump - skip play snowballs - ski - swim play football - dance - dive
Name a missing word in a couple (if it exists): ONE MANY ONE MANY - shorts a jacket jackets a boot boots - clothes a dress dresses - trousers - jeans a skirt skirts a blouse blouses a T-shirt T-shirts
Name a season: winter January spring April spring March autumn October autumn September autumn November summer June summer July summer August spring May winter February winter December
Name a missing word in a couple (a, an, some): some cheese a tomato a banana a pear an apple some juice an orange some milk some soup a lemon a sweet some tea
Describe the animal you like: He is… . He can… . He can’t … . He has got … . He lives … . He likes … .
Say what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner: I like … for breakfast. I like … for lunch. I like … for dinner.
Describe the room: The room is… . There is … in the room. There are … in the room.
Say what you like to do and what you can do well: I like to… . I can … well.
Say what you like to wear to school and at home: I like to wear … at home. I like to wear … .
Describe your favourite season: I like … because I can… .
Read and guess what animal is described here: It is a kind animal. It usually lives in Africa or in the zoo. It has got a lot of spots and its neck is very long. It is big. The answer
Read and guess what Jack likes to have for breakfast: I like it very much. I usually have it for breakfast. It is brown but it can be white. It is tasty. Children like it. The answer
Read and guess what room is described: People spend a lot of time in this room. There is a TV-set. There are armchairs, a carpet, a wardrobe. The answer
Read and guess what activity is described: People play it on the sports ground. You need a ball to play it. You throw it into the basket. It is a very interesting game. The answer
Read and guess what thing is described: People usually wear it at home. You wear it when you play football or jump or run. Everybody has got it. The answer
Read and guess what season is described: People like this season because it is warm. We can swim in the river, ride a bike and run in the park. There are a lot of flowers. The answer
Ссылки: 1. http://www.free-animations.co.uk/animals/cats/images/cat_92.gif 2. http://www.joblack59.com/HMS/us/2009-10/walker/animated-dog-3%5B1%5D.gif 3. http://www.central104.org/pages/uploaded_images/animated%20tiger.gif 4. http://mrsfickenscher.wikispaces.com/file/view/mice004.gif/113937395/mice004.gif 5. http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/img/nature/elephants/circus-elephant.gif 6. http://www.spfdbus.com/halloween/H-kritters/redfoxscreenshot.gif 7. http://www.nonstopgifs.com/animated-gifs/cartoons/cartoons-animated-gif-005.gif 8. https://d44ytnim3cfy5.cloudfront.net/assets/3236944/original/rabbit.gif?1300689648 9. http://keju.org/500px-Cheese.svg.png 10. http://www.eda-server.ru/cooking-news/2009/03/img-03-09/09-03-03moloko.jpg 11. http://www.infovending.ru/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Chocolate.png 12. http://us.cdn4.123rf.com/168nwm/all32/all321003/all32100300034/6673930-bunch-of-bananas-isolated-on-white-background.jpg 13. http://f3.foto.rambler.ru/preview/r/416x359/4b5036ba-aaa6-f267-6f6b-40ccc5c3671e/%D0%90%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8B.jpg 14. http://www.pachd.com/free-images/food-images/candies-05.jpg 15. http://index-ok.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/133.jpg 16. http://www.yemektarifiniz.net/upload/13634061520607187500domates_corbasi_359.jpg 17. http://www.executive-chair.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Chair.jpg 18. http://www.konteaki-furniture.co.uk/images/chunky_pine_double_bed.jpg 19. http://www.lifeway.net.ru/novosti/tv-set.jpg 20. http://www.exoticindiaart.com/carpets/brown_colored_polycotton_carpet_kc26.jpg
21. http://www.italianclassicsdirect.co.uk/imagesstatic/big/occasionaltables/Eames%20Table.gif 22. http://pic.tradeage.com/modern-red-glass-table-lamp-97379.jpeg 23. http://www.find-electricalgoods.co.uk/productimages/109/LEC/L5026W.jpg 24. http://korzh.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/computer.jpg 25. http://paneliu-klubas.webs.com/strapless-satin-bubble-dress-cocktail-gown-prom.jpg 26. http://images03.olx.ru/ui/2/66/60/32976660_1.jpg 27.http://www.fashionconscience.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/f/i/fin_organic_cotton_trench_coat_black.jpg 28. http://dn.vtomske.ru/ona/article/226/maxi_short2.jpg 29. http://www.frenchtruckers.com/img/adidas-superstar-vintage-trainers.jpg 30. http://dressyshoes.net/wp-content/uploads/17-dressy-shoes.jpg 31. http://www.omiru.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/cashmere-crewnecksweater_082208.jpg 32. http://shop.1stclassclothes.biz/mm1CC/Images/trouser%206.jpg 33. http://www.gifs-paradise.com/animated_gifs/humans-dancing/animated-gifs-humans-dancing-63.gif 34. http://funforkids.ru/pictures/reading/reading07.png 35. http://gif-animation.leovacity.be/images/jumping-monkey-gif-animation.gif 36.http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/150/i/2010/347/a/7/uni_animation__skipping_rope_by_duragan-d34shbj.png 37.http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iadthelp/v6r0/topic/com.ibm.etools.animgif.doc/images/skiing.gif 38. http://www.cksinfo.com/clipart/entertainment/skating/ice-skate-15.png 39.http://www.penclawddprimaryschool.ik.org/img/Animated_scuba_fish_swimming_hg_wht.gif 40. http://www.chevening.kent.sch.uk/images/soccer_player_animated.gif
41. http://dibellas.co.cc/i/p/1280753768.jpg 42. http://www.karachidigest.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/cloudy-weather.jpg 43. http://cookalasprettythings.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/rainy_weather_graphic_ap.jpg 44. http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/weather/256/Sunny-icon.png 45. http://www.valdosta.edu/~jisoady/animated%20snow.gif 46. http://theawesomator.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/blowing-wind.gif?w=322&h=211 47. http://www.just-so-site.com/photos/1new/hoarfrost.jpg 48. http://www.spokesmanreview.com/media/photos/20071029_foggy.JPG 49. http://www.cherlaan.com/ekmps/shops/rhanley/resources/Design/web-sweets-mr-mrs-pink.jpg 50. http://lovelypackage.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/sweets1.jpg 51. http://www.learnenglish.de/IMAGES/Vocab/Buildings/Rooms.gif 52. http://noisypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/home12.jpg 53. http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/img/entertainment/sports/hockey/hockey-snoopy.gif 54. http://basik.ru/images/winter_time_1/02_winter_time.jpg 55. http://www.fwallpaper.net/pics/cartoons/disney-winnie-the-pooh/disney-winnie-the-pooh_4.jpg 56. http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2//65/791/65791547_disney_characters_pluto.jpg 57. http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1//60/90/60090997_741DonaldDuckPosters.jpg 58. http://cinema-ma.ru/wp-content/uploads/91-mickey_mouse.jpg 59.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7JPk1Lb6eyk/S8Ncl3gL5CI/AAAAAAAAAZA/9IUc8XV2ux4/s1600/Breakfast.jpg 60. http://blogs.babble.com/strollerderby/files/2010/12/school-lunch.jpg 61. http://www.recipekey.com/images/browse_pictures/dinner-recipes.jpg 62. http://ignorantdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Colony-Road-Living-Room.jpg 63.http://t1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/29/31/18/400_F_29311802_5Om2dbHVNjKXlGjg0hC5IWpYFZu65OI1.jpg 64. http://squak.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/school_uniform.jpg 65.http://t1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/31/49/36/400_F_31493609_KqUsWfj6KDp3dL6PcUpr2X3TDQ6KqMd1.jpg 66. http://zhurnal.lib.ru/img/p/poedinkin_w_w/detskiesny/summer.jpg 67. http://www.aberfeldycottages.co.uk/Images/river-tay-winter.bmp 68.http://attachmentsblog.tut.by/44795/files/2010/10/60013colors_of_autumn_free_screensaver_desktop_screen_savers.jpeg 69. http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/img/nature/animals/giraffe-walking.gif 70. http://freestyledesigns.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/chocolate-bar.jpg 71. http://domosel.ru/uploads/posts//1263287111_1.jpg 72. http://www.appleanimation.com/pops.gif 73. http://www.footbolka.ru/catalog/images/KissMe.jpg 74. http://west.kernhigh.org/guidance/basketball_player_dribbling_md_wht.gif