• Презентации
  • Урок английского языка Современная молодежь для 11 класса

Урок английского языка Современная молодежь для 11 класса

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The 17th of February It’s Wednesday The state of your mind
The 17th of February It’s Wednesday The state of your mind
Theme: The modern youth Aims: Speak about.... Learn.... Train... By the end o...
Theme: The modern youth Aims: Speak about.... Learn.... Train... By the end o...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
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Some facts about the youth of the 70, 80, 90-tieth Youth group Clothes Music...
Some facts about the youth of the 70, 80, 90-tieth Youth group	Clothes	Music...
Some facts about the youth of the 70, 80, 90-tieth Youth group Clothes Music...
The modern youth
The modern youth
The modern youth Professions and career Politics and culture Hobbies and shop...
The modern youth Professions and career Politics and culture Hobbies and shop...
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The wise owls Choose the new information Choose the known information Choose...
Cinquain Noun Two adjectives Three verbs A short sentence Synonym for the 1s...
Cinquain Noun Two adjectives Three verbs A short sentence Synonym for the 1s...
Hometask: Make the project of the place for relax for our youth
Hometask: Make the project of the place for relax for our youth

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