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- Урок английского языка в 4 классе
Урок английского языка в 4 классе
Автор публикации: Бомблюк Е.А.
Дата публикации: 23.03.2016
Краткое описание:
Урок 4 класс Тема урока: Времена года. Цель урока: Научить учащихся составлять предложения, диалоги, сообщения со словами из темы “Времена года”. Развивать навыки 1) аудирования, 2) чтения, 3) письма, 4 ) устной речи и декламации, 5) логического мышления , развивать внимание к товарищам в процессе общения. Воспитывать чувство прекрасного, любовь к природе. Оборудование: Тематические картинкики, опорные таблицы к теме “Времена года”, кроссворд, диски с записями песен, рисунки, мультимедийная доска. Тип урока: Обобщение и систематизация знаний. Ход урока
Начало урока Орг. момент Беседа с дежурным - Who is on duty today? - I am - What is your name (surname) How old are you? What form are you in? Where do you live? Who is absent N is / Nobodyis absent./ All are present. What day is it today? What date is it today?
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Фонетическая зарядка. [w] What, why, Willy, where, winter, warm. Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy, Why, Willy, Why? [ ] Spring, sing, sitting, standing Shining, falling, blowing. Беседа с классом What season is it now? Is it warm or cold today? Is it frosty today? How many seasons are there in a year?
Аудирование текста “Why there are four seasons in a year owl [aul ] - Сова Skyland – Небесная страна A tale of American Indians Listen to the story, find the pictures, look at them and put them in the right order. They help you to understand a story. 1) Long, long ago there was no winter, no autumn, no spring. Only summer all the time. 2) There was nothing to drink. There was nothing to eat only dry grass. It’s to hot. 3) The clever owl [aul ] said: We must do something about it. 4) “Only Old woman from the skyland can help us”, said the Bear. 5) Bear, Owl and Rabbit travelled over the Shining Road to the sky (for many moons)
6) Old woman said, “Open this bags only when you come home”. 7) The animals travelled many days (moons) to their homes. At last they came. 8) The wind came out of Bears bag. The leaves fell to the ground. 9) Rain came out of Owl’s bag. 10) Snow came out of Rabbit’s bag. 11) Since then there are four seasons in the year. Учащиеся расставляют рисунки в необходимом порядке.
Беседа по прослушанному T: Did you like the story? Is it interesting? What came out of Owl’s bag? (Rain) What came out of Bear’s bag? (Wind) What came out of Rabbit’s bag? (Snow) Коллективное составление сказки T: Do you want to make up a story about seasons and months ? Once upon a time (Long, Long ago) there lived four sisters winter, spring, summer and autumn (на дошці) Each of them has three sons . Winter has December, January and February. Spring has March, April and May. Summer has June, July and August. Autumn has September, October and November.
Spring Summer Winter Autumn
Ученики читают по цепочке Т: Let’s read about months. 1 .January is the first month of the year. It is very cold in February. It often snows in March. April is the second month of spring. May is a spring month too. In June we have our summer holidays. In July the sun is very hot. The weather is changeable in August. In September schoolchildren go to school. October is the second autumn month. The weather is chilly in November. December is the last month of the year. .
Заполнить пропуски: T: What’s the weather like in every season ? Complete the sentences: It is hot in.. It is cold in.. It is warm in.. It is chilly in..
Т: Look at the blackboard and fill in ... The poem “Seasons” can help us Who recites a poem “ Seasons”? Ученик читает стихотворение “Seasons”. Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. Ha доске Trees are... /green/ in spring The sun is.../ shining/. Trees are .../white/ in winter The wind is.../ blowing/. Trees are .../yellow/ in autumn The snow is.../ falling/.
Физкультминутка “We like to sing when.” №75 Дети поют и танцуют. Let’s make up maps which help us to tell about seasons. На магнитной доске. The children.../ski/skate/sledge/play snowballs/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In winter. T: The greatest holidays in winter are Christmas and New year. We sing a song .. “We wish you a Merry Christmas №31 Winter New year snow snowball snowman Christmas ski skate sledge
T: Listen to the song and say what it is about. Песенка “We love summer” №77 What season is it? Do you love summer?
Let’s make up a map about summer The children can . (ride a bike/swim/play tennis/play football). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in summer Summer Warm Hot Flowers Play tennis Play football Swim Ride a bike
Монологические высказывания учащихся о зиме, весне, лете, осени. Ученики по очереди выходят к доске в венках-временах года и рассказывают: P1: I am winter. Winter has three months: December, January and February. It is cold in winter. The days are short and the nights are long. The trees are white. The children can ski, skate, sledge and play snowballs. The children like winter. P2: I am spring. Spring has thee months: March, April and May. It is warm in spring. The trees are green. Spring is a fine season. There are many flowers in spring. Do you like spring? P3: I am summer. Summer has three months: June, July and August. Summer is a nice season. There are many red, blue, white and yellow flowers in the parks. The children can swim in the river, play football and tennis. P4: I am autumn. Autumn has three months: September, October, November. The leaves on the trees are red, yellow and brown. There are many fruit in autumn. The children go to school in autumn. Do you like autumn? .
Работа в группах, парах. Составить диалоги из фраз и прочитать . Учитель раздаёт разрезанные фразы из диалогов. 1)- What is your favorite season? - I like autumn. - Why do you like it? - Because we go to school in September and my birthday is in November. 2)- What season do you like? - I like spring. - Why do you like spring? - Because it is warm in spring and we can see white and blue flowers.
T: Now, children let’s recite poems I. “ Snow falls, falls, falls ” Snow falls, falls, falls... Let’s play snowballs! Dear friends, Bill and Ben, Let us make a big snowman! II “ Spring makes the world a happy place ” Spring makes the world a happy place. You see a smile on every face. Animals come out and birdies fly, The sun is shining in the sky. III. “ All the leaves are falling down ” All the leaves are falling down, Orange, yellow and brown. Over me and over you. All the leaves are falling down.
Конец урока T: We work hard at the lessons. You are the best pupils. You get good marks.