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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Conflicts (9 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Conflicts (9 класс)

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Conflicts between people and nature
Conflicts between people and nature
What is a conflict? What is a conflict? –It’s a harmful thing. That makes us...
What is a conflict? What is a conflict? –It’s a harmful thing. That makes us rude and cruel. It breaks relationship and peace And starts the fights and quarrels. What should we do? Who has to help us live without conflicts? Don’t do to people harm! And learn TO LIVE IN FRIENDSHIP! What are negative features of the conflict?
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Kinds of conflicts
Kinds of conflicts
Conflicts between people and nature can lead to the environmental problems. P...
Conflicts between people and nature can lead to the environmental problems. People should resolve conflicts peacefully. We must listen to what other people say. People may prevent conflicts.
If you don’t think about the future you will not have it. John Galsworthy :
If you don’t think about the future you will not have it. John Galsworthy :
Air pollution
Air pollution
Water polution
Water polution
1. Try not to waste energy. 2. Before you throw anything away, stop and think...
1. Try not to waste energy. 2. Before you throw anything away, stop and think. Might someone else have a use for it? 3. Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centres. 4. Don’t waste paper. 5. If you have a choice avoid buying packaged goods. 6. Never drop litter. 7. Help to clean up your local environment. 8. Try to reduce noise pollution. 9. Put out food for wild animals in winter. Save the Earth.
And you’ll prevent All conflicts in the world! We should learn to live in pea...
And you’ll prevent All conflicts in the world! We should learn to live in peace With classmates, parents, friends Be tolerant!

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