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  • Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 8 классе Игра по Страноведению

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 8 классе Игра по Страноведению

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Geography Politics Culture History Persons 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 2...
Geography Politics Culture History Persons 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
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Start 15 8 0 Geography 30. When it is 12 o’clock in Moscow in London it is …
Start 15 8 0 Geography 30. When it is 12 o’clock in Moscow in London it is …
Start 15 8 0 Geography 40. In which city is Hollywood?
Start 15 8 0 Geography 40. In which city is Hollywood?
Start 15 8 0 Geography 50. The only of the Great Lakes which lies entirely o...
Start 15 8 0 Geography 50. The only of the Great Lakes which lies entirely on the territory of the USA is …
Start 15 8 0 Politics 10. Who is the official head of G.B:
Start 15 8 0 Politics 10. Who is the official head of G.B:
Start 15 8 0 Politics 20. Which are the two main political parties in Great...
Start 15 8 0 Politics 20. Which are the two main political parties in Great Britain?
Start 15 8 0 Politics 30. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers?
Start 15 8 0 Politics 30. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers?
Start 15 8 0 Politics 40. What official is the real head of the Canadian gov...
Start 15 8 0 Politics 40. What official is the real head of the Canadian government?
Start 15 8 0 Politics 50. What branch of the American government do the Supr...
Start 15 8 0 Politics 50. What branch of the American government do the Supreme Court and lower national courts make up?
Start 15 8 0 Culture 10. The London Royal Opera House is called:
Start 15 8 0 Culture 10. The London Royal Opera House is called:
Start 15 8 0 Culture 20. Who is the symbol of the British nation?
Start 15 8 0 Culture 20. Who is the symbol of the British nation?
Start 15 8 0 Culture 30. The British national anthem is _________
Start 15 8 0 Culture 30. The British national anthem is _________
Start 15 8 0 Culture 40. What is the national flower of Japan?
Start 15 8 0 Culture 40. What is the national flower of Japan?
Start 15 8 0 Culture 50. Which animal is an official emblem of Canada?
Start 15 8 0 Culture 50. Which animal is an official emblem of Canada?
Start 15 8 0 History 10. The oldest university in Britain is …
Start 15 8 0 History 10. The oldest university in Britain is …
Start 15 8 0 History 20. When did the Great Fire of London take place:
Start 15 8 0 History 20. When did the Great Fire of London take place:
Start 15 8 0 History 30. Stonehenge is about __________ years old?
Start 15 8 0 History 30. Stonehenge is about __________ years old?
Start 15 8 0 History 40. What is the traditional dish of old English?
Start 15 8 0 History 40. What is the traditional dish of old English?
Start 15 8 0 History 50. When was the Constitution of the USA written?
Start 15 8 0 History 50. When was the Constitution of the USA written?
Start 15 8 0 Persons 10. Under what king did the Knights of the round table...
Start 15 8 0 Persons 10. Under what king did the Knights of the round table gather together:
Start 15 8 0 Persons 20. The patron saint of England is … The patron saint o...
Start 15 8 0 Persons 20. The patron saint of England is … The patron saint of England is …
Start 15 8 0 Persons 30. Margaret Thatcher was …
Start 15 8 0 Persons 30. Margaret Thatcher was …
Start 15 8 0 Persons 50. Sherwood Forest is famous for the legendry …
Start 15 8 0 Persons 50. Sherwood Forest is famous for the legendry …

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