- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку для 4 класс Времена года
Презентация по английскому языку для 4 класс Времена года
Автор публикации: Пилиева Л.Г.
Дата публикации: 09.04.2016
Краткое описание:
![Урок в 4 классе Учитель английского языка, ПИЛИЕВА ЛИАНА ГИВИЕВНА LOGO LOGO]()
Урок в 4 классе Учитель английского языка, ПИЛИЕВА ЛИАНА ГИВИЕВНА LOGO LOGO
![“Seasons and Weather” 4в Mark Twain said «Climate is what we except, weather...]()
“Seasons and Weather” 4в Mark Twain said «Climate is what we except, weather is what we get» LOGO
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![Phonetic drill TEXT -[w]-[w]- -[ð]-[ð]- -[O]-[O]- warm, winter, wet, weather...]()
Phonetic drill TEXT -[w]-[w]- -[ð]-[ð]- -[O]-[O]- warm, winter, wet, weather the, that, weather, whether the weather. hot, foggy, not, frost 4в Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot. We’ll weather the weather Whether we like it or not. LOGO
![4в Seasons Winter Spring Summer Autumn LOGO]()
4в Seasons Winter Spring Summer Autumn LOGO
![WORDS 4в Cold, warm, hot, wet, dry, sunny, foggy, rainy, snowy, windy, frosty...]()
WORDS 4в Cold, warm, hot, wet, dry, sunny, foggy, rainy, snowy, windy, frosty, cloudy, cool. LOGO
![It is spring. 4в The trees are green, blue skies are seen. Grey winter’s gone...]()
It is spring. 4в The trees are green, blue skies are seen. Grey winter’s gone away (прошла). The golden (золотое) sun greets everyone. The world looks new and gay (веселый). LOGO
![It is summer. 4в This is the season when nights are short. And children have...]()
It is summer. 4в This is the season when nights are short. And children have plenty of fun(много веселья)and sport. The sun is shining all day long. The trees are full of birds and songs. LOGO
![It is winter 4в This is the season when snow is blowing. The ground (земля) i...]()
It is winter 4в This is the season when snow is blowing. The ground (земля) is white all day and all night. LOGO
![It is autumn 4в The summer is over. The trees are all bare (обнаженные). Ther...]()
It is autumn 4в The summer is over. The trees are all bare (обнаженные). There is mist (туман) in the garden and frost in the air (в воздухе). LOGO
![Степени сравнения прилагательных 4в Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная...]()
Степени сравнения прилагательных 4в Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная hot hotter thehottest cold colder thecoldest warm warmer thewarmest wet wetter thewettest dry drier thedriest interesting moreinteresting но: the mostinteresting good better the best bad worse the worst LOGO
![The map of the world 4в New York Меxicо London Paris Rome Tomsk Washington Mo...]()
The map of the world 4в New York Меxicо London Paris Rome Tomsk Washington Moscow St.Petersburg LOGO
![Where is the weather wetter? 4в London Washington LOGO]()
Where is the weather wetter? 4в London Washington LOGO
![Where is the weather colder? 4в London Washington Paris Moscow LOGO]()
Where is the weather colder? 4в London Washington Paris Moscow LOGO
![Where is the weather hotter? 4в London St.Petersburg Sochi LOGO]()
Where is the weather hotter? 4в London St.Petersburg Sochi LOGO
![Where is the coldest winter? 4в London Moscow Tomsk Sochi LOGO]()
Where is the coldest winter? 4в London Moscow Tomsk Sochi LOGO
![Comparison 4в The coldest winter is in The warmest winter is in The hottest s...]()
Comparison 4в The coldest winter is in The warmest winter is in The hottest summer is in The coldest summer is in Tomsk. London. Sochi. Moscow. LOGO
![Underline the right form. 4в 1. Winter is….(cold/ colder/ the coldest) season...]()
Underline the right form. 4в 1. Winter is….(cold/ colder/ the coldest) season in a year. 2. February is …..(short / shorter/ the shortest) month. 3. Moscow is one of…..( beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful) cities in the world. 4. Which is ….. (hot/ hotter/ the hottest): June or July? 5. Is it ……(warm/ warmer/ the warmest) in spring? LOGO
![The weather song 4в LOGO]()
![Список литературы и ссылки на интернет ресурсы. 4в «Enjoy English-4», М.З. Би...]()
Список литературы и ссылки на интернет ресурсы. 4в «Enjoy English-4», М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева, учебник английского языка для общеобразовательных школ, издательство «Титул»,2012г. http://metodisty.ru/m/groups/view/prepodavanie_angliiskogo_yazyka http://festival.1september.ru/articles/subjects/10? http://smayli.ru/apogoda.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ja4j4ltnRw http://nota.triwe.net/teachers/open/seasons.htm LOGO
![Your Teacher ! Thank You ! LOGO LOGO]()
Your Teacher ! Thank You ! LOGO LOGO