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Skeleton [‘skelitn] Devil [devl] Pirate [‘paiərit] Goblin [‘goblin] Vampire [...
Skeleton [‘skelitn] Devil [devl] Pirate [‘paiərit] Goblin [‘goblin] Vampire [‘væmpaiə] Monster [monstə] Clown [klaun] Owl [aul] Bat [bæt] Rat [ræt] Ghost [goust] Wizard [‘wizəd] Witch [wit∫] Spider [spaidə] Broomstick [‘brumstik] Lantern [‘læntən] Haunted house [‘ho:ntid hauz]
1. When did Halloween begin? 2. Why do people wear scary masks on that holida...
1. When did Halloween begin? 2. Why do people wear scary masks on that holiday? 3. What do children dress up on the 31st of October? 4. What is the traditional question? 5. What is one of the Halloweens symbols? 6. What do children like to make lanterns out of?
skeleton pumpkin Ghost bat witch Black cat Haunted house moon
skeleton pumpkin Ghost bat witch Black cat Haunted house moon
Who started Halloween? 2. The largest Halloween parade is held in … 3. The an...
Who started Halloween? 2. The largest Halloween parade is held in … 3. The animal that best symbolizes the holiday is the… 4. Which of the following countries does not celebrate Halloween? 5. The colors traditionally associated with the holiday are… 6. Halloween is also a harvest celebration. Name the fruit that best symbolizes the season?
house. In the dark, dark ... In a dark, dark wood there is a dark, dark ...
house. In the dark, dark ... In a dark, dark wood there is a dark, dark ...
room. And in the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark ...
room. And in the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark ...
And in the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark ... cupboard.
And in the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark ... cupboard.
And in the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark… box.
And in the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark… box.
And in the dark, dark box there is a ... ghost.
And in the dark, dark box there is a ... ghost.

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