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  • Презентация ученицы 5 н класса Назаровой Марии на тему Мой родной город (5 класс)

Презентация ученицы 5 н класса Назаровой Марии на тему Мой родной город (5 класс)

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Samara Grade 5 “A” Nazarova Mariya
Samara Grade 5 “A” Nazarova Mariya
My city is very big. I live in Samara. It is situated not very far from Mosco...
My city is very big. I live in Samara. It is situated not very far from Moscow. My city is famous for its theatres. Some theatres are in the city centre, not far from our railway station.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
The streets are wide, some are green. There are shops, supermarkets, markets,...
The streets are wide, some are green. There are shops, supermarkets, markets, malls, banks, cinemas, restaurants in my city.
The railway station very close from my house. There is a museums in Samara an...
The railway station very close from my house. There is a museums in Samara and picture galleries too. There are a lot of things to see and to do in my city.
There are many forests and mountains around it. I know many cities are more b...
There are many forests and mountains around it. I know many cities are more beautiful than Samara, but not for me.
I can say, “ East or west, home is best. “ I think my city is very important...
I can say, “ East or west, home is best. “ I think my city is very important and beautiful and I’m proud of it.

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