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Презентация по английскому языку Edward Jenner- a fighter against smallpox

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БПОУ ВО «Борисоглебскмедколледж» Презентация по учебной дисциплине «Английск...
БПОУ ВО «Борисоглебскмедколледж» Презентация по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык» Edward Jenner – a fighter against smallpox Разработчик: Булакина Т.А.
The student must know: about life and activity of the great English scientist...
The student must know: about life and activity of the great English scientist in medicine Edward Jenner The student must own following competences: ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, а также для своего профессионального и личностного развития. ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.
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Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
Edward Jenner was born on the 17th of May, 1749 in England in the town of Ber...
Edward Jenner was born on the 17th of May, 1749 in England in the town of Berkeley, in Gloucestershire. Biography
He received his medical education in London. At the age of 14 he was sent to...
He received his medical education in London. At the age of 14 he was sent to study with a local surgeon Daniel Ludlow, he continued his training in London. There he studied anatomy and worked with patients, then he was a practicing physician and surgeon in his native Berkeley. In 1792 Jenner obtained the medical degree in St. Andrews University
Usually from smallpox died 1/6 — 1/8 of all cases, and the mortality of youn...
Usually from smallpox died 1/6 — 1/8 of all cases, and the mortality of young children reached 1/3. And this pattern continued until the end of the XVII century. From the history of disease
The famous physician of the 17th century, Sydenham was called smallpox "the d...
The famous physician of the 17th century, Sydenham was called smallpox the disgusting disease that took to the grave more victims than all other epidemics than gunpowder and war.
The accumulation of experience
The accumulation of experience
The 14th of May, 1796, when in his native village appeared cowpox, he's in t...
The 14th of May, 1796, when in his native village appeared cowpox, hes in the presence of doctors instilled smallpox to healthy 8-year-old boy James Phipps, made two small incision on his arm and made vaccine-poison in a wound.
The second series of experiments was very important. In the spring of 1798, J...
The second series of experiments was very important. In the spring of 1798, Jenner inoculated cow pox boy directly from the cow, and then next — from one person to another.
In 1798 Jenner published a small booklet of 75 pages in which he described hi...
In 1798 Jenner published a small booklet of 75 pages in which he described his experiments.
In 1853 at the opening of the monument to Jenner in London Prince Albert said...
In 1853 at the opening of the monument to Jenner in London Prince Albert said, No doctor saved the life of such a significant number of people like this man.
In different countries the name of Jenner said gratefully, he received numero...
In different countries the name of Jenner said gratefully, he received numerous medals and honorary diplomas, became a member of all European academies.
Jenner became world famous and was awarded many medals. Jenner died in early...
Jenner became world famous and was awarded many medals. Jenner died in early 1823, in his home in Berkeley.
And now… QUIZ
And now… QUIZ
Question 1 About what scientist Prince Albert said “No doctor saved the life...
Question 1 About what scientist Prince Albert said “No doctor saved the life of such a significant number of people like this man ”
Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner
Question 2 The famous physician of the 17th century, Sydenham was called this...
Question 2 The famous physician of the 17th century, Sydenham was called this disease the disgusting disease that took to the grave more victims than all other epidemics than gunpowder and war.
Question 3 When and to whom Edward Jenner first inoculated the smallpox?
Question 3 When and to whom Edward Jenner first inoculated the smallpox?
14th of May,1796 To a healthy 8 year-old-boy James Phipps
14th of May,1796 To a healthy 8 year-old-boy James Phipps
Thanks for your attention! Be healthy! Good bye
Thanks for your attention! Be healthy! Good bye

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