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  • Презентация по английскому языку на темуMusic.Cinema.Sport

Презентация по английскому языку на темуMusic.Cinema.Sport

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Give some nouns to go with these words Watering ______ Collecting _____ Liste...
Give some nouns to go with these words Watering ______ Collecting _____ Listening ______ Painting ______ Watching _______ Playing ______ Having ______
Which of these activities are not outdoor activities? Parachuting Playing Puz...
Which of these activities are not outdoor activities? Parachuting Playing Puzzles Rock climbing Pottery Creative writing Playing golf Hiking
Give 5 related words under each of the following categories: Winter Summer Se...
Give 5 related words under each of the following categories: Winter Summer Sea Holiday Travel
What sports are these?
What sports are these?
Which European country is bullfighting popular in?
Which European country is bullfighting popular in?
What five sports can we do in water? What 5 sports can we do indoors?
What five sports can we do in water? What 5 sports can we do indoors?
What is the connection between these words? Xylophone Microphone Telephone Sa...
What is the connection between these words? Xylophone Microphone Telephone Saxophone Headphones
Which instruments do not have strings? Guitar Harp Drum Flute Piano
Which instruments do not have strings? Guitar Harp Drum Flute Piano
What do you call someone who plays: The piano The guitar The saxophone The vi...
What do you call someone who plays: The piano The guitar The saxophone The violin
Name at least 8 types of modern films.
Name at least 8 types of modern films.
Name someone who writes a script has the job of choosing the actors organizes...
Name someone who writes a script has the job of choosing the actors organizes the special effects for the film sell the film to video shops
What tipe of film do you prefer? I am sure, science fiktion. These are films...
What tipe of film do you prefer? I am sure, science fiktion. These are films with fantastic special efects. The direktors try to invite “stars” for the main roles.

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