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  • Презентация по английскому языку New Year. Рожина Вилена, 6 класс

Презентация по английскому языку New Year. Рожина Вилена, 6 класс

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Рожина Вилена, 6 класс МБОУ «Казачинская СОШ» Усть-Янского района, Республика...
Рожина Вилена, 6 класс МБОУ «Казачинская СОШ» Усть-Янского района, Республика Саха (Якутия). Рук.учитель английского языка Холмогорова А.А. Happy New Year!
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Comic quiz: “What is snowman?” 1) Women, cleaning snow 2) Coconut milk cake...
Comic quiz: “What is snowman?” 1) Women, cleaning snow 2) Coconut milk cake 3) A figure made of snow
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Who is Snow Maiden? 1) She is a winner of the quiz “ miss Snow” 2) A daughter of Snow Queen 3) Grand daughter of the Father Frost
What a holiday is New Year? 1) It is a holiday 2) Year after the old year 3)...
What a holiday is New Year? 1) It is a holiday 2) Year after the old year 3) Year of the school year start
What is called “Alyaska”? 1) It is a jacket with fur lining 2)American state...
What is called “Alyaska”? 1) It is a jacket with fur lining 2)American state 3)Boots
What is the name of the smallest particle of snow? 1) Hail 2) snowflake 3) pi...
What is the name of the smallest particle of snow? 1) Hail 2) snowflake 3) piece of ice
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What is a Carnival? 1) a driving shaft 2) The ninth gross 3) It is variety show
What is the Bugler? 1) Mountain inhabitants 2) a mountain – climber 3) A man...
What is the Bugler? 1) Mountain inhabitants 2) a mountain – climber 3) A man playing musical instrument “bugle)”
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Who is “ Lazy bone” 1the owner of boat 2) Pessimist 3)Who don’t want to work
What is it “ A and B were sitting on the chimney”…? 1) Riddle-pun of the 1950...
What is it “ A and B were sitting on the chimney”…? 1) Riddle-pun of the 1950-th 2) Mathematic task 3)Somebody who were sitting on the chimney
Who is “Merited” 1) A drunk man in a Christmas holiday 2) Married man and a w...
Who is “Merited” 1) A drunk man in a Christmas holiday 2) Married man and a woman 3)Well-deserved man
What can our flat boast of? 1) There is gas in our flat 2) There is water-run...
What can our flat boast of? 1) There is gas in our flat 2) There is water-running in our flat 3) There is our cat just has kittens.

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