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- Урок английского языка по теме Выбор профессии
Урок английского языка по теме Выбор профессии
Автор публикации: Панфилова М.М.
Дата публикации: 25.10.2016
Краткое описание: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5fbP/qakTpfSjS Тип урока: Урок практического применения знаний и умений Цели урока: Коммуникативная цель: развитие коммуникативных умений диалогической и монологической речи по теме «Выбор профессии», умения работать в парах и группе. Обучающая: закрепление лек
Career choice Revision lesson 9th form
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GCSE A-levels sixth form vocational training apprenticeship профессиональное обучение стажировка ОГЭ старшие классы школы ЕГЭ
1. Why does the advisor ask Tara about her interests? 2. What kind of career does he think would suit Tara? 3. What do Tara’s parents think about her future?
What options do you have when choosing a future career? 1. Researching options on the Internet. 2. Talking to your parents or other family members. 3. Talking to your friends. 4. Doing a test to evaluate your suitability for different jobs. 5. Doing the same jobs your parents do.
Work in pairs. Student A. You are a career advisor. Write 4 or 5 questions you could ask in order to find out about Student B’s abilities and plans. Student B. You are a student. Think of two subjects you’re good at, two that you dislike and 2 things you do in your free time. Ask Student A for a careers advice.
Homework Write the answer for the letter. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben. …Yesterday I did a test to see which job is the most appropriate for me. According to the results I should become a doctor. But it would be absolutely impossible because I am afraid of blood… …What future career would you like to have, why? Do your parents agree with your choice? In what way will English be useful for your career? … Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100-120 words.
Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!