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  • Презентация для урока английского языкаНаша Родина

Презентация для урока английского языкаНаша Родина

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Краткое описание: Материал данной презентации поможет детям ознакомиться с лексикой по теме "Наша Родина",узнать новое или восполнить знания,полученные на уроках и курсах по истории.Дети также смогут потренировать слова в контексте.Материал подготовлен для уроков английского языка на ос

OUR MOTHERLAND Form 4 The topic ”My country” Презентация подготовлена учителе...
OUR MOTHERLAND Form 4 The topic ”My country” Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 262 г.Санкт-Петербурга Копчук Ю.П.
Russia’s the biggest country in the world
Russia’s the biggest country in the world
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
There are a lot of unforgettable mountains, lakes, fields in Russia. Terrifi...
There are a lot of unforgettable mountains, lakes, fields in Russia. Terrific landscapes
The capital of Russia 1147
The capital of Russia 1147
Mother of Russian towns Kiev in the 11 century was the main Russian town rul...
Mother of Russian towns Kiev in the 11 century was the main Russian town ruled by Prince Vladimir
In the 12th century 7 big hills
In the 12th century 7 big hills
Yuri Dolgoruky This Russian Prince founded Moscow on the banks of the Moskva-...
Yuri Dolgoruky This Russian Prince founded Moscow on the banks of the Moskva-river.
The monument to Dolgoruky Moscow. Tverskaya Square.
The monument to Dolgoruky Moscow. Tverskaya Square.
In the 18th century Russian Tsar Peter the Great moved the capital into Saint...
In the 18th century Russian Tsar Peter the Great moved the capital into Saint- Petersburg.
The young capital The new city grew on the banks of the Neva River quickly.
The young capital The new city grew on the banks of the Neva River quickly.
In the 19th century Saint-Petersburg became a very important city in Europe.
In the 19th century Saint-Petersburg became a very important city in Europe.
The beginning of the 20th century. The situation in Russia was hard. Revolut...
The beginning of the 20th century. The situation in Russia was hard. Revolution. Then The Civil War.
The Red Army was born.. February,1918
The Red Army was born.. February,1918
Vladimir Lenin wrote an order.. “To move Russian Capital back to Moscow!”
Vladimir Lenin wrote an order.. “To move Russian Capital back to Moscow!”
In the 20th century In 1918 Moscow became a capital of Russia again.
In the 20th century In 1918 Moscow became a capital of Russia again.
One of the most beautiful lands
One of the most beautiful lands
I love my country Birches are one of Russian symbols.
I love my country Birches are one of Russian symbols.
Answer these questions 1 What’s the capital of Russia? 2 Who founded Moscow?...
Answer these questions 1 What’s the capital of Russia? 2 Who founded Moscow? 3 When was the capital moved into another place? 4What tree is the symbol of Russia? 5 Why did Moscow becom our capital in the 20th century again? 6 How many times has our capital moved?
Check each other 1 It’s Moscow. 2 Prince Yuri Dolgoruky did. 3 In the beginni...
Check each other 1 It’s Moscow. 2 Prince Yuri Dolgoruky did. 3 In the beginning of the 18ht century the capital was moved into Saint-Petersburg. 4 It’s a birch-tree. 5 The situation in the country was hard, and Vladimir Lenin ordered to move the capital into Moscow again. 6 Our capital has moved 3 times.

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