Презентация к уроку Travel idioms

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Travel idioms Разработал: учитель английского языка Путилова Оксана Алексеевн...
Travel idioms Разработал: учитель английского языка Путилова Оксана Алексеевна ОГБОУ ТФТЛ
As much use as a handbrake on a canoe unimportant, useless
As much use as a handbrake on a canoe unimportant, useless
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Asleep at the wheel not paying attention
Asleep at the wheel not paying attention
At a good clip rapidly.
At a good clip rapidly.
At the crossroads a point where an important decision or choice has to be made
At the crossroads a point where an important decision or choice has to be made
Bad news travels fast. Information about trouble or misfortune  disseminates ...
Bad news travels fast. Information about trouble or misfortune  disseminates quickly
Backseat driver A passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver
Backseat driver A passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver
Circle the wagons To stop communicating with people who don't think the same...
Circle the wagons To stop communicating with people who dont think the same way as you to avoid their ideas
Clear the decks to get ready for an important action and put away items that...
Clear the decks to get ready for an important action and put away items that might get in your way
Cool your Jets To calm down
Cool your Jets To calm down
Down the road. Sometime in the future
Down the road. Sometime in the future
Drive someone round the bend. To make someone very bored or very angry.
Drive someone round the bend. To make someone very bored or very angry.
Fifth wheel something unnecessary or useless
Fifth wheel something unnecessary or useless
Go play in traffic tell someone to go away
Go play in traffic tell someone to go away
He travels fastest who travels alone. It is easier to achieve your goals if y...
He travels fastest who travels alone. It is easier to achieve your goals if you do not have a spouse, children, or other connections to consider
I'll cross that road when I come to it I'll think about something just when i...
Ill cross that road when I come to it Ill think about something just when it happens, not in advance.
In the driver's seat in charge of something or in control of a situation
In the drivers seat in charge of something or in control of a situation
Jump ship to leave any post or position; to quit or  resign, especially when ...
Jump ship to leave any post or position, to quit or  resign, especially when there is difficulty  with the job.
Jump the track suddenly changing from one plan, activity, idea, etc, to another
Jump the track suddenly changing from one plan, activity, idea, etc, to another
Mile a minute very fast
Mile a minute very fast
Off the beaten track (path) away from the frequently traveled routes
Off the beaten track (path) away from the frequently traveled routes
Put the carriage before the horse try to do things in the wrong order
Put the carriage before the horse try to do things in the wrong order
Rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic make small changes that will have no...
Rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic make small changes that will have no effect as the project, company, etc, is in very serious trouble
Right up your street something is ideal for you
Right up your street something is ideal for you
Running on fumes continuing to do something when you  have almost no energy l...
Running on fumes continuing to do something when you  have almost no energy left
Sunday driver a slow and leisurely driver who appears  to be sightseeing and ...
Sunday driver a slow and leisurely driver who appears  to be sightseeing and enjoying the view,  holding up traffic in the process.
There's never a road without a turning No situation in life stays the same fo...
Theres never a road without a turning No situation in life stays the same forever.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil. People who make the most fuss get the most at...
The squeaky wheel gets the oil. People who make the most fuss get the most attention.
Train of thought someone's pattern of thinking or  sequence of ideas; what on...
Train of thought someones pattern of thinking or  sequence of ideas, what one was just  thinking about.
Whatever floats your boat do whatever makes you happy
Whatever floats your boat do whatever makes you happy
Where the rubber meets the road  at the point in a process where there are ch...
Where the rubber meets the road  at the point in a process where there are challenges, issues, or problems

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