• Презентации
  • Конспект урока в 5 классе по теме «Идём в магазин» УМК Spotlight -5 Модуль 9 А.

Конспект урока в 5 классе по теме «Идём в магазин» УМК Spotlight -5 Модуль 9 А.

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CROSSWORD Solve the crossword and you know the theme of the lesson
CROSSWORD Solve the crossword and you know the theme of the lesson
1. It can swim. It lives in the rivers, seas, oceans. But in our houses it li...
1. It can swim. It lives in the rivers, seas, oceans. But in our houses it li...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
1. It can swim. It lives in the rivers, seas, oceans. But in our houses it li...
1. It can swim. It lives in the rivers, seas, oceans. But in our houses it li...
2. It is very big. It is grey. It has four legs and two big ears. His long no...
2. It is very big. It is grey. It has four legs and two big ears. His long no...
2. It is very big. It is grey. It has four legs and two big ears. His long no...
2. It is very big. It is grey. It has four legs and two big ears. His long no...
3. His skin is green and slippery. It has four legs. It eats insects. It can...
3. His skin is green and slippery. It has four legs. It eats insects. It can...
3. His skin is green and slippery. It has four legs. It eats insects. It can...
3. His skin is green and slippery. It has four legs. It eats insects. It can...
4. It is the most beautiful bird in the world, because it has wonderful, big,...
4. It is the most beautiful bird in the world, because it has wonderful, big,...
4. It is the most beautiful bird in the world, because it has wonderful, big,...
4. It is the most beautiful bird in the world, because it has wonderful, big,...
5. It is an insect. It is green, lives in the grass. It has wings, but it can...
5. It is an insect. It is green, lives in the grass. It has wings, but it can...
5. It is an insect. It is green, lives in the grass. It has wings, but it can...
5. It is an insect. It is green, lives in the grass. It has wings, but it can...
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