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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them (9 класс, М.З.Биболетова)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them (9 класс, М.З.Биболетова)

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«Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them»
«Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them»
What is “CONFLICT”? Conflict means angry disagreement between people or group...
What is “CONFLICT”? Conflict means angry disagreement between people or group Conflict means a situation in which something that  is good  for one person is bad for another person Conflict means- a situation in which it is difficult for 2 things to exist together Conflict means a feeling of being nervous, because you want 2 different things at the same time Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two persons  to exist together peacefully.
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All is well that ends well! Try to avoid conflicts! Be kindhearted & fair!
All is well that ends well! Try to avoid conflicts! Be kindhearted & fair!
«Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts»
«Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts»
What does the word “tolerance” mean? The word tolerance comes from Latin. It...
What does the word “tolerance” mean? The word tolerance comes from Latin. It means “patience”. Tolerance is the ability of a man for understanding another person.
The Tree of Tolerance
The Tree of Tolerance
Remember, very often the resolution of the conflict depends on our behavior,...
Remember, very often the resolution of the conflict depends on our behavior, your kindness and love. We can do not great things, only small things with great love.

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