Презентация на тему США.
Автор публикации: Зембатова Т.А.
Дата публикации: 04.11.2016
Краткое описание:
![U.S.A the presentation was prepared by Karginovа Zalina English Teacher Zemba...]()
U.S.A the presentation was prepared by Karginovа Zalina English Teacher Zembatova T.A.
![The Aim To learn more about the population, the language, the holidays, and t...]()
The Aim To learn more about the population, the language, the holidays, and the history of the USA.
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![Рlan 1.Location of the USA 2.History of the USA 3. The population of the USA...]()
Рlan 1.Location of the USA 2.History of the USA 3. The population of the USA 4. Holidays in the USA 5.The official languages in the USA
![Location of the USA Тhe main territory of the USA (called continental States)...]()
Location of the USA Тhe main territory of the USA (called continental States) is located on the North American continent and stretches from the Atlantic ocean in the East to the Pacific ocean in the West. In the south the United States borders with Mexico, on the North by with Canada. In addition, the USA includes 2 states. In the extreme North-West of the continent is Alaska.In the Pacific ocean is Hawaii.
![History of the USA Although the USA as an independent state was formed recent...]()
History of the USA Although the USA as an independent state was formed recently, in the Declaration of independence in 1776, this area has a long prehistory. It is believed that aboriginals came from Asia for thousands of years, in the period from 15 to 50 thousand years ago, when the place of the modern Bering Strait there was land connecting two continents. Reliable evidence of their presence in the U.S. obtained through the discoveries of artifacts, whose age is about 14 thousand years. In 1492, the existence of America became known in medieval Europe after Christopher Columbus visited the Islands of the West Indies during his second voyage in 1493 personally landed on the island of Puerto Rico, currently belonging to the United States. In 1498 voyage to the coast of modern New England made the first British Explorer John Cabot, and in 1513 the Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon reached the coast of Florida. With the arrival of Europeans began the colonial history of America
![Тhe population of the USA is 315,2 million]()
Тhe population of the USA is 315,2 million
![Holidays 4th Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day December 25 is Christma...]()
Holidays 4th Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day December 25 is Christmas Day 1 January is New years Day 3rd Monday of January is Martin Luther kings Day 3rd Monday of February is Presidents Day birthday J. Washington The last Monday in May is Memorial Day July 4 is Independence Day 1st Monday of September is Labor day 2nd Monday in October is Columbus Day November 11 is Veterans Day
![Official languages The official languages in the USA are: English Spanish Fre...]()
Official languages The official languages in the USA are: English Spanish French
![thank you for your attention z]()
thank you for your attention z