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- Исследовательская работа ученика 11 класса Поздеева Сергея
Исследовательская работа ученика 11 класса Поздеева Сергея
Автор публикации: Канева М.Ю.
Дата публикации: 06.11.2016
Краткое описание:
This crazy, mad, world! Created by Pozdeev Sergey, the 11th form
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
What does Internet mean for you?
What is your relation to the Internet?
How much time a day do you search the Internet?
Imagine that the Internet disappeared, what is your reaction?
Is there an analogy to the Internet?
After our survey we defined the “Internet” Internet is new knowledge. Modern pupils use the “Internet” to do reports and projects. Also the Internet is a mean of communication. We can talk with our friends by Skype and ICQ. Internet is used as а game and entertainment. We spend all time searching the Internet
In 1969 a group of scientists with leader-doctor Licklider created a computer network between the University of state Utah, Center of Investigation in Stenford, University of Los – Angeles and University of California. Created network got a name ARPANET and began to develop activity.
By 1971 it has already counted 23 users in all the ends of the USA! In 1973 educational establishments of London and Norway joined network and e-mail was created. In 1991 in CERN World-Wide Web project was realized successfully.
In 1997, 19,5 million users of the Internet have already been counted. Nowadays under the word “Internet” oftener the world “web” is meant and information available in it, but not physical network.
The name of linguistic spheres of the Internet is given by the names of useful languages. Sphere of the Russian Internet got a name “Russian Internet” or Runet. In Russia “The Day of the Internet” is celebrated on September, 30
People who created the Internet gave to the world: a possibility to communicate on big distances, the possibility to find information quickly, entertainment and games,
But it was the Internet’s advantages, now we will consider the disadvantages: Brain cancer and other illnesses Laziness People become limited Lie and piracy
Thank you for attention!!!