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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Idioms and sayings about food (7 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Idioms and sayings about food (7 класс)

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Idioms and sayings about food Culture Corner
Idioms and sayings about food Culture Corner
What’s the difference between: IDIOM SAYING -N a sentence that people often s...
What’s the difference between: IDIOM SAYING -N a sentence that people often say and that gives advice or information about human life and experience - N a group of words that have a different meaning when used together from the one they have when used separately
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a hot potato — idiom: a difficult issue or problem a piece of cake — idiom: s...
a hot potato — idiom: a difficult issue or problem a piece of cake — idiom: sth that is easy bread and butter — idiom: sth that provides the main income selling like hot cakes — idiom: selling large amounts very quickly a bad egg — idiom: a bad person as cool as a cucumber — idiom: being remarkably calm and composed
as easy as pie — idiom: very easy full of beans — idiom: has a lot of enthusi...
as easy as pie — idiom: very easy full of beans — idiom: has a lot of enthusiasm my cup of tea — idiom: sth I generally like an apple a day keeps the doctor away — saying: If you eat healthily, you will not become ill you can’t have your cake and eat it — saying: you can’t have things both ways too many cooks spoil the broth — saying: A task is not done well when too many people are involved
eating your words — idiom: publicly accepting that you have said sth wrong cr...
eating your words — idiom: publicly accepting that you have said sth wrong crying over spilt milk — idiom: there is no point in being upset about an unfortunate incident that cannot be reversed having a finger in every pie — idiom: involved in many things

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